

clusterのワールド「カミサマノイルトコロ」の遊び方や関連資料を紹介した記事です。#カミトコ または #カミトコライフ  でnote記事を書いていただけるともれなく追加させて頂…


How to play KAMITOKO (about Items) *now editing

Guide in playing "Kamisama no iru tokoro (The place where the spirit is) -About Items- Thank you for coming and enjoying the life of Kamitoko everyday. Today I would like to introduce how to play with items at Kamitoko. Omikuji -fortune-

How to play KAMITOKO (Moving & Living)

Guide in playing “Kamisama no iru tokoro(The place where the spirit is)” -Moving in & Living together- Thank you for coming and enjoying the life in Kamitoko everyday. In this world, players can have their own room and live in this town. T