

I would better start diet, and lose weight.
I wouldn't go so far as to say that most weight, but I have kept my weight relativery high.
I want to chance of the starting diet. Recentry, I want to new a weight scale.




  1. 文法ミス:

    • I would better start diet, and lose weight. -> I should start a diet and lose weight. (文法)

    • I wouldn't go so far as to say that most weight, but I have kept my weight relativery high. -> I wouldn't say that I'm overweight, but I have kept my weight relatively high. (文法)

    • I want to chance of the starting diet. -> I want to start a diet. (文法)

    • Recentry, I want to new a weight scale. -> Recently, I bought a new weight scale. (文法)

2. 語彙:

  • diet -> a diet (冠詞)

  • lose weight -> lose weight (動詞)

  • most weight -> overweight (形容詞)

  • relativery -> relatively (副詞)

  • chance -> start (動詞)

  • Recentry -> Recently (スペルミス)

  • new -> buy (動詞)

  • weight scale -> weight scale (名詞)

3. 表現:

  • I wouldn't go so far as to say that most weight -> I wouldn't say that I'm overweight (より自然な表現)

  • I want to chance of the starting diet. -> I want to start a diet. (より自然な表現)

  • Recentry, I want to new a weight scale. -> Recently, I bought a new weight scale. (より自然な表現)

  1. 修正後
    I should start a diet and lose weight.

  2. I wouldn't say that I'm overweight, but I have kept my weight relatively high.

  3. I want to start a diet.

  4. Recently, I bought a new weight scale.


I should start a diet and lose weight.
I wouldn't say that I'm overweight, but I have kept my weight relativery high.
I want to an opportunity start diet. Specifically, I want to a new weight scale.





I should start … 〜か始めなければ
