

I feel like I'm not useful. I still can't do job well, because I have a bad memory.
But, I keeping do it. I'm not think "I decide do it~ " and "Consistency is key".
I want to pursue things that I find even slightly interesting. 
I've made up my mind to live my life that way.





  • I feel like I'm not useful.
    正しい文法は "I feel like I'm not being useful." です。

  • I still can't do job well.
    正しい文法は "I still can't do the job well." です。

  • But, I keeping do it.
    正しい文法は "But I keep doing it." です。

  • I'm not think "I decide do it~ " and "Consistency is key".
    正しい文法は "I don't think "I decide to do it" but "Consistency is key"." です。

  • I want to pursue things that I find even slightly interesting.
    この文は文法的に間違っていないですが、より自然な表現は "I want to pursue things that I find even slightly intriguing." です。

  • I've made up my mind to live my life that way
    この文は文法的に間違っていないですが、より自然な表現は "I've made up my mind to live my life in that way." です。


  • I feel like I'm not being useful.
    "being" を追加することで、現在進行形になり、より自然な表現になります。

  • I still can't do the job well.
    "the job" を追加することで、何をうまくできないのか明確になります。

  • But I keep doing it.
    "keeping" を "keep" に修正することで、文法的に正しくなります。

  • I don't think "I decide to do it" but "Consistency is key"."
    "I'm not think" を "I don't think" に修正し、"and" を "but" に変更することで、より自然な表現になります。

  • I want to pursue things that I find even slightly intriguing.
    "interesting" よりも "intriguing" の方が、より深い興味を表すことができます。

  • I've made up my mind to live my life in that way.
    "that way" の前に "in" を追加することで、より自然な表現になります。


I feel like I'm not being useful. I still can't do the job well because I have a bad memory. But I keep doing it. I don't think "I decide to do it" but "Consistency is key". I want to pursue things that I find even slightly intriguing. I've made up my mind to live my life in that way.


I feel like I'm not being useful. I still can't do the job well because I have a bad memory. But I keep doing it. I don't think "I decide to do it" and "Consistency is key". I want to pursue things that I find even slightly intriguing. I've made up my mind to live in that way.




that way … あっちだ
being usuful … 役に立たない
