Amazon English #6

Today's record is 52hour 23minuite.

I continue to listen novels like "Sherlock Homes" or "Peter pan" and also news paper and magazines' articles like Economists etc..

I don't care Level of items. Sometimes Level 1 and 2 items are too slow to listen so I listen in on x1.25 mode or x1.5 mode. If I listen to them rapidly, it is good for me.

I've got used to reading business articles so it is easy for me to understands articles in economy and business. For examples, Harvard Business Reviews are not so difficult for me. Also Economist's articles are not difficult for me. Because I've read many Inverters Relations reports in my work, but sometimes novel is difficult for me because of lack of vocabulary.

I sometimes watch TV with my son. He is five years old. My son likes "Thomas and his friends", the steam locomotive animation in Britain. I didn't understand what they say one years ago, but now I can understand it without captions. what a great improvements!

I'm going to continue Amazon English.

Thanks for your reading!
