
The Life of Kitten Bucho - 2 Comfortable Cage Life

For about two weeks after I rescued Bucho, he lived in the carrier bag of our senior cat, Shimao. Shimao is a big cat, weighing 7 kg, so he needs a large carrier bag which size is for a medium-sized dog. It has enough space for a kitten life.

Until Bucho joined us, Shimao could go in and out freely through the cat door. However, there was a lot of traffic in this area, and it was a very dangerous place for a fragile kitten like Bucho, even if it was a cat like Shimao who was born in this neighborhood and had a good knowledge of the area. So Bucho became our first indoor cat.

So we decided to close the cat door during the day, and open the window at Shimao's request, then open the cat door at night when Bucho sleeps in the carrier bag. Thankfully, Shimao obediently accepted this arrangement.

Bucho made a lot of noise for a while when I put him in the carrier bag at night, but fell asleep after five minutes. However, in the morning, he clung to the door of the carry-on bag with both hands and feet, exposing her stomach, insisting, “Let me out, let me out!'' Shimao looked at Bucho and us with sadness. The owners also felt guilty.

So we decided to buy an extra large cage for Bucho. The cage arrived packed in a huge cardboard box. It was incredibly heavy. It took me a whole night of sweating and struggling with a mountain of screws to put it together. The finished product is 140 centimeters high and has three stacked shelves with a litter box at the bottom.

We put Bucho in the cage after 9 p.m., his bedtime, and he stays there until morning. It's getting hot closing to summer, so he sometimes sleeps on his back until we opens the door. We tried not to let him in it during the day so he wouldn't feel like he was trapped in the cage.

Bucho seems to like it quite a bit, as he sometimes enters the cage himself and takes naps on the shelf.
