
The Life of Kitten Bucho-8 Claws and Fangs

Going back and forth, before the second vaccination, Bucho's official name was decided. It was "Fukuchiyo." It was a name that expressed the hope that he would be happy forever. His medical records at the veterinary clinic were also changed from "Bucho" to "Fukuchiyo (Bucho)." However, I still call him Bucho as usual.

Although Bucho sometimes goes through puberty, he usually behaves like a child. As soon as we rescued him, we told him not to show his claws because it hurts, so he picks on his owners without showing his claws. It feels good to have the kitten's smooth and fluffy paws clinging to your legs, but that's not all. Even though he has baby teeth, he still bites you with his brand new, sharp fangs.

You can't say, "Don't show your fangs." Because he can't show or retract his fangs. Taking advantage of this, Bucho bites his owners' ankles, wrists, and when we lie down on the bed, he bites our faces. He tries to tear out our hair.

I tried to cut Bucho's nails, but he resisted so violently by sticking out his two hands and two legs that I was only able to cut one nail off his index finger. Even after that, he would make a menacing face whenever I said "nail clipper."

I may never be able to cut Bucho's nails.
