
The Life of Kitten Bucho-11 Cat-Cat Relationship

The relationship between Bucho and Shimao is a delicate one. Bucho respects Shimao. He wants him to play with him and sleep with him. However, Bucho has a bossy personality and ends up being bossy. Even when Shimao tries to lick Bucho, he resists and puts his hand on him, which gets Shimao angry at him.

But Bucho doesn't give up and sometimes takes the mouse he was playing with and places it in front of Shimao, asking him what he's supposed to do with it. Shimao tilts his head and wonders what he's supposed to do with it, but he still plays with him from time to time.

And Boocho wants to sleep in the place where his beloved Shimao sleeps.

One afternoon, while Shimao was away, he was sleeping in the middle of my bed, where Shimao usually sleeps, when Shimao returned. At first, Shimao hesitantly tapped Bucho's body with one hand. But Bucho pretended not to notice and refused to move. Enraged, Shimao grabbed Bucho from behind and bit him. Shocked, Bucho quickly ran away. But a little while later, he was sleeping in the bed again, now that Shimao was gone.

Boocho is always a positive cat.
