
ラジオ生活:ディスカバー・ビートルズ II・年度末自由研究その3 The Overlanders「Michelle」

聞き逃しサービス2024/03/17 放送
ディスカバー・ビートルズ II
ねぇビートルズ、 曲をカバーされまくるってどんな気持ち?前編

The Overlanders

開始より18分01秒頃 (終了より31分59秒前頃)

配信終了2024/03/23 13:50


Google検索 URL>

Bing検索> https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=The_Beatles+Michelle+cover

Bing検索> https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=The_Beatles+Michelle

TheBeatles.com> https://www.thebeatles.com/michelle

The Beatles「Michelle」
Wikipedia EN(英語版) URL> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michelle_(song)

 "Michelle" is a song by the English rock band the Beatles from their 1965 album Rubber Soul. It was composed principally by Paul McCartney, with the middle eight co-written with John Lennon. The song is a love ballad with part of its lyrics sung in French.

 Following its inclusion on Rubber Soul, the song was released as a single in some European countries and in New Zealand, and on an EP in France, in early 1966. It was a number 1 hit for the Beatles in Belgium, France, Norway, the Netherlands and New Zealand. Concurrent recordings of the song by David and Jonathan and the Overlanders were similarly successful in North America and Britain, respectively. "Michelle" won the Grammy Award for Song of the Year in 1967 and has since become one of the most widely recorded of all Beatles songs.
 The instrumental music of "Michelle" originated separately from the lyrical concept. According to McCartney:

 "Michelle" was a tune that I'd written in Chet Atkins' finger-picking style. There is a song he did called "Trambone" with a repetitive top line, and he played a bass line while playing a melody. This was an innovation for us; even though classical guitarists had played it, no rock 'n' roll guitarists had played it. The first person we knew to use finger-picking style was Chet Atkins ... I never learned it. But based on Atkins' "Trambone", I wanted to write something with a melody and a bass line in it, so I did. I just had it as an instrumental in C.

 The words and style of "Michelle" have their origins in the popularity of Parisian Left Bank culture during McCartney's Liverpool days. In his description, "it was at the time of people like Juliette Greco, the French bohemian thing." McCartney had gone to a party of art students where a student with a goatee and a striped T-shirt was singing a French song. He soon wrote a farcical imitation to entertain his friends that involved French-sounding groaning instead of real words. The song remained a party piece until 1965, when John Lennon suggested he rework it into a proper song for inclusion on Rubber Soul.

 McCartney asked Jan Vaughan, a French teacher and the wife of his old friend Ivan Vaughan, to come up with a French name and a phrase that rhymed with it. McCartney said: "It was because I'd always thought that the song sounded French that I stuck with it. I can't speak French properly so that's why I needed help in sorting out the actual words."

 Vaughan came up with "Michelle, ma belle", and a few days later McCartney asked for a translation of "these are words that go together well", rendered, for scansion, as sont des mots qui vont très bien ensemble ("are words that go very well together"). When McCartney played the song for Lennon, Lennon suggested the "I love you" bridge. Lennon was inspired by a song he heard the previous evening, Nina Simone's version of "I Put a Spell on You", which used the same phrase but with the emphasis on the last word, "I love you".

 Each version of this song has a different length. The UK mono mix is 2:33 whereas the stereo version extends to 2:40 and the US mono is 2:43. The version available in The Beatles: Rock Band has a running time of 2:50.

〜[Excerpted from above wikipedia]
 "Michelle "は、イギリスのロックバンド、ビートルズの1965年のアルバム『Rubber Soul』収録曲。主にポール・マッカートニーが作曲し、中間の8曲はジョン・レノンと共作した。歌詞の一部がフランス語で歌われたラブ・バラード。


 「ミシェル』はチェット・アトキンスのフィンガーピッキング・スタイルで書いた曲なんだ。彼が作った "Trambone "という曲があるんだけど、トップ・ラインが反復していて、メロディーを弾きながらベース・ラインを弾いていた。クラシックのギタリストはやっていたけれど、ロックンロールのギタリストはやっていなかった。フィンガーピッキング・スタイルを最初に使ったのはチェット・アトキンスだった。私は習わなかった。でも、アトキンスの "Trambone "をもとに、メロディとベース・ラインのある曲を書きたくなったんだ。C調のインストゥルメンタルで。



 ヴォーンは "Michelle, ma belle "を思いつき、数日後、マッカートニーは "these are words that go together well "の翻訳を依頼した。マッカートニーがレノンのためにこの曲を演奏したとき、レノンは「I love you」のブリッジを提案した。レノンは、前の晩に聴いたニーナ・シモンの「I Put a Spell on You」に触発された。

 この曲はそれぞれのバージョンで長さが違う。UKモノ・ミックスが2分33秒なのに対し、ステレオ・バージョンは2分40秒、USモノは2分43秒である。The Beatlesで聴けるバージョンは2分43秒:Rock Bandの演奏時間は2分50秒。 
