
I picked up a beautiful thing and be happy.

Looking aside, I got aware a man who will need for it eagerly than I.

While I thought if I lose it, eventually I took it for granted.

I believe I could meet same one or rather better sometime even I kept looking for.

The man delightfully smiled at me saying ” thank you” for a long time.

After that, I also picked up the beauty.

Looking beside consciously, again, I have been aware of that someone standing by me.
I found the guy looking for as same as the man I saw before.

While I would have regrettable if I had lost it, I gave it.

I am sure I could see it or rather better one again if I kept looking for.

Above all, I am glad to see the guy smiling delightfully to me.

After that, I have continued finally to devote my life to do it . At the end, I found there is nothing in my hand but looked back my way,
Many people are fulfilled with happiness of what I brought my own for all.

Seeing them gifted me the feeling that I have been looking for, I understood it is what I really need.
I get the most beautiful thing than ever before I thought as it is so.
