
When describing God in a single word, the meanings vary widely. Some imagine a transcendent and perfect entity, the only one of its kind. Others believe that God resides in the unobservable and inconceivable aspects of everything.

When contemplating the owner of one's body or thoughts, a clear answer is elusive. It could be interpreted as the soul or even God. If one interprets it as borrowing the body from God, there is no definitive way to deny it.

Thinking that the owner of one's body might not be oneself allows for a more relaxed sense of responsibility towards personal ethics. Conversely, imposing one's ethics on others is also questionable when the owner of those ethics remains elusive.

We often tend to reject those whose actions deviate from our own ethical standards. However, if the owner of those ethics is not necessarily the person themselves, accepting and understanding actions that differ from our own might be essential.

My cognitive abilities reach their limits around here.
