
Pelosi Statement on Initial Steps Toward Afghanistan Peace Agreementアフガニスタン平和協定に向けた最初のステップに関するペロシ声明

Washington, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued this statement after the United States reached an agreement with the Taliban that would result in a conditions-based drawdown of U.S. troops from Afghanistan:

“The agreement between the United States and the Taliban for a conditions-based U.S. troop drawdown, following a seven-day reduction in violence, is an important initial step toward advancing security and stability in Afghanistan. However, many significant additional steps remain to achieve comprehensive and enduring peace. These steps include the opening of critical intra-Afghan negotiations between Afghan political leaders, the Taliban and civil society to advance a political settlement and permanent, sustainable ceasefire agreement.

“Afghan women must be at the negotiating table and their voices must be heard. The participation of women in the peace process is critical for the security, economy and governance of Afghanistan. We cannot afford to turn back from or lose ground on the important advancements made by and for women and girls in Afghanistan.

“The United States Congress continues to stand by the people of Afghanistan in our shared mission to advance a future of security, stability, peace and prosperity for all in the country and region. We must do everything we can to keep our troops safe and bring them home, and to give peace a chance.”




