
Samoan rugby team that set off 104 days ago still not home       サモア族・ラグビーニュージーランド代表は104日間かかってもホームに辿りつかない

A professional rugby union team that set off for an away match on 23 February have still not made it home.

Manuma Samoa left their Pacific island for an away match in Perth, Australia, more than 100 days ago.

But on their way home they were forced to quarantine in New Zealand - and were then stuck when their home country closed its borders entirely.

In Auckland, the squad lived in a church compound for three months, with 20 players sharing one room.

Although they are now back in Samoa, they are half-way through a two-week quarantine - and players still haven't seen their families.

"When we arrived in New Zealand it was summer," the team's video analyst Hari Junior Narayan tells the BBC. "When we left it was winter."

2月23日にマウイ島マッチに出場したプロラグビー国際チームは、    まだホームに帰っていません。


しかし、彼らは家に帰る途中でニュージーランドで検疫を余儀なくされ、 その後、母国国境を完全に閉鎖したときに行き詰まりました。

オークランドでは、チームは教会の敷地内に3か月滞在し、       20人のプレイヤーが1つの部屋を共有していました。


「ニュージーランドに到着したのは夏でした」(日本の冬だった証言)とチームのビデオアナリストHari Junior Narayanは「BBC」に語った。     「去った時は冬だった」(日本は夏と言う意味)


Manuma Samoa's first game of the Global Rapid Rugby season was on 14 March, so the team left Samoa on 23 February.

They had a two-week training camp in Auckland, played the game in Perth, then planned to fly home via Auckland, in time to prepare for a home match in Apia on 21 March.

But while the team were playing in Perth, the Samoan government made an announcement.

From 08:00 on 15 March, the government said, anyone travelling to Samoa from one of 33 countries must spend two weeks in self-quarantine before setting off.

Australia was country 33 on the list.

The squad were allowed to enter New Zealand, and the Auckland compound where they held their pre-match training camp was still available. But that's where their good luck ended.

On 24 March, the Samoan government announced that, from 26 March, "all international travel to and from Samoa by plane is ceased". The team could not leave quarantine 30 March.

They were stuck.


彼らはオークランドで2週間のトレーニングキャンプを行い、      「パース」でゲームプレイ後、3月21日のアピアでのホームマッチの準備に合うように、オークランド経由で家に帰る予定でした。





3月24日、サモア政府は、3月26日以降、「サモアとの飛行機による国際旅行はすべて中止する」と発表した。                   チームは3月30日まで、検疫を離れることができませんでした。



Despite living cheek by jowl, Narayan insists there were no arguments between the players.

"Probably the biggest disagreement was at bingo," he says, laughing. "Money was involved so no-one wanted to lose."

And - in what may be surprising news to British rugby players - the squad stayed off the beer, despite being locked down for so long.

"We're not allowed drinks, or any of that," says McFarland. "It's part of our rugby culture - especially as we were staying in a church compound."

After New Zealand's lockdown eased in late April, a handful of the squad who lived locally were allowed to leave, but the Samoan-based players remained stuck.

The bingo and the umus continued, yet the day-to-day monotony wasn't easy on the squad's mental health.

"We were in a compound, you see the same people every day," says team manager Tuala Pat Leota. "I imagine this is what a prisoner feels like."

To make this worse, glimmers of hope would arrive, only to be snuffed out.

"They [the authorities] kept pushing it back," says Leota. "At the start, they said maybe April [for a flight home], then they pushed it back to 19 May, then 22 May, then to 29 May."

Finally, a week ago, the players were able to leave the Papatoetoe compound. But the waiting wasn't over - Samoa is one of the few countries without a virus case, and they are not taking chances.

So, after the players landed on home soil, they were put in quarantine for two weeks.

生意気で有名な男性陣は「頬を叩く」で生きているにも、関わらず、   ナラヤンは選手間議論はなかったと主張する。

「おそらく最大の意見の相違はビンゴでした」と彼は笑って言った。   「お金が絡んでいたので、誰も失いたくなかった**。


そして、イギリスのラグビー選手は驚くべきニュースかもしれないが、  国債選手チームは長い間隔離状態にもかかわらず、ビールから離れていた。

「私たちは飲み物、またはそのいずれも許可されていません」とマクファーランドは言います。                         「それは私たちのラグビー文化の一部です-特に私たちが教会の敷地に滞在していた時は」

4月下旬にニュージーランドの封鎖が緩和された後、地元に住んでいた数名が去ることが許可されたが、サモアに拠点を置くプレイヤーが、今度は  行き詰まりました。


「私たちは複合施設にいました。毎日同じ人に出会います」と      チームマネージャーのTuala Pat Leotaは言います。            「私はこれが囚人の気分なんだと思っています。」

これをさらに悪化させるには、希望のかすかな光が届き、        ひっくり返される(無罪を得る)だけです。

「彼ら[当局]はそれを押し返し続けました」とレオタは言います。    「当初、彼らはおそらく4月のエアーフライトで、帰れると言ったが、  それを5月19日、5月22日、5月29日と引き延ばした。」


したがって、プレーヤーが家の土に着陸した後、            彼らは2週間隔離されました。


The players and management are staying in separate, isolated locations. Leota and Narayan are together in a hotel, for example, but McFarland is on his own.

Suddenly, the compound in Auckland doesn't seem so bad.

"We were like a family there," says McFarland. "I think that made it easier for us, but now I've got no-one! Now I wake up and…it feels crazy, it's just me."

So he's missing the 50 cent bingo? "Definitely," he replies.

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Leota also says there were positives to emerge from their epic journey home.

"To me," he says, "the friendship and companionship with the players and management is something very positive to come out of this not ideal situation."

Thankfully, a journey that began 104 days ago is almost over. In a week's time, the squad will taste freedom, and see their families for the first time since February.

"My daughter is four months old," says Narayan. "The last time I saw her, she was one month, so I've missed a lot."

That game in Perth on 14 March - which the Samoans lost - must seem like a long time ago?

"Sometimes," he replies, "we forget we even played a game."



「私たちはそこで家族のようでした」とマクファーランドは言います。  「私はそれが私たちにとって簡単になったと思いますが、今は誰もいません!今、目を覚ますと、それは私だけです。

それで彼は50セントのビンゴを逃していますか?            「間違いなく」と彼は答えた。(五郎丸は言う。人生は±0ではないか?と)


「私にとって 」と彼は言う、                   「プレーヤーと経営陣と、友情と友情は、この理想郷ではない状況から抜け出すことは、非常に前向きなことです。」

ありがたいことに、104日前に始まった旅は、ほぼ終わりました。      1週間後、チームは自由を味わい、2月以来初めて家族と会います。

「私の娘は生後4か月です」とナラヤンは言います。          「彼女に最後に会ったとき、彼女は1か月だったので、         私は多くを逃しました。」



