
Live Webcasts: Nagarjuna's "Precious Garland" - English Translation    ダライラマ:生中継 ウェブ配信:  日本時間5月16日午前11時      ナガルジュナ(ナガルサナ/ラ)    ”ガーランド(ガンダーラ)とは?”  英語からの概念教育14言語(日本語あり)

His Holiness the Dalai Lama will give a two-day teaching on Chapters 1 and 4 of Nagarjuna's "Precious Garland" from 8:00am to 9.30am (Indian Standard Time) on May 16-17, 2020. His Holiness has also been requested to provide general advice appropriate to these challenging times. When watching the webcasts, viewers are earnestly requested to observe the social distancing protocols recommended wherever they live.

Webcasts are also available in Tibetan, Chinese, Hindi, Vietnamese, Russian, Mongolian, Korean, Japanese, Spanish, German, Portuguese, French, and Italian.

Lama ダライ・ラマは、2020年5月16〜17日の午前8時から午前9時30分(インド標準時)に、ナガルジュナ(ナガルサナ/ラ)の「ガーランド(日本頭脳ガンダーラ)」の第1章と第4章について2日間の講義を行います。疫病の困難な時期に適切な一般的なアドバイスを提供します。 Webキャストを視聴するとき、視聴者は、どこに住んでいても推奨される社会的距離のプロトコルを観察するよう、熱心に要求されます。


Garland teach to Buddha story fantasy, "Garland means Gandhara about Japan society?"

All times Indian Standard Time (IST+GMT+5:30)

May 16th: 8:00am - 9:30am IST
May 17th: 8:00am - 9:30am IST

For times in your area 8:00am IST on May 16th in Dharamsala, India is the same as 3:30am BST on May 16th in London, UK: and 7:30pm PDT on May 15th in Los Angeles, California, USA. Other times can be found using Time Zone Converter (http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html).

Nagarjuna's "Precious Garland" Texts for download:
English, Tibetan, Chinese, Hindi, Russian, Vietnamese, Japanese, German, Spanish, Korean, Portuguese
