
2019-May-2 in Now,What Empire feel about Japan-Era exchange timing that miss-Taken ABE at al, 天皇は国民の混乱は望んでいなかった。しかしながら、10連休は国民生活大きな負担与えている。

What thinks about Japan Empire Era exchange timing? 天皇は元号改変に関して混乱は望んでいなかった。  

The Emperor won't be Wrong the confusion of the people's life.
It was determined that "New Year is not Era change is this timing".
Not change New-Era: normal "Happy New Years" mood made by Emperor's

However, Japan governor will change Reiwa Era in April and be acquired
by government prime minister for more than 10 days for when Citizens are confused,
Garvemant Civil servant got a holiday on the 10days TOO! too much?

国家公務員が10連休をとる?Japan Civil servant got 10 days holiday?

Who pays the money came from civilian Tax fee ONLY The decision is made by "Abe administration" at al

一対誰のための10連休なのか分からない状態なのです。特に母親は育児をしている人々は「子供」をどこに預けていいか分からずに大変苦心している。幼稚園は休みを取っているのである。As of May 2, 2019, according to the NHK National Survey, "60% of the people do not want this 10 days holidays".
A pair of 10 days holidays for who? In particular,  who take care of the mothers are pretty distressed without knowledge/knowing where to safely place their “children”. Kindergartens are on vacation.                                       

NHK Holiday @nhk_news driving mood same way!
THE TV program reporting NEVER ever about LDP/自民党 opposition party WHY?
That point!
but @nhk_kokusai take job normal mood W/ international issue control
for Japan-people!

"Which is the national holiday?"
It the "previous generation / unheard前代未聞",
”Which BIG-ONE do you think is a gorgeous celebration?”
Japan-people feels like could getting gorgeous than "HappyNewYear"

1. Why is growing up "Animation" in Japan?
2. WWII's responsibility emphasizes the ideology of "Yasukuni-Shrine"
That is the WWII Japan government has decided/managed.
(Why Asian country ANGRY think Yasukuni introduce under)

日本の「仏教」は世界で有名であるが、「神道」つまり神社文化である。このことは日本国民も事実を知らずまま、祈祷している。神社に祭られているのは将軍男性である。日本固有の宗教である。"Buddhism"-Japan is famous in the world, but it is "Empire God's Style ", that a shrine culture. The Japanese people are praying without knowledge of this fact. It is a general man who is worshiped in the shrine. It is a religion based on Japan.

Although "Shrine" is a historically negative heritage.

(Japan used "Yamato" naming
I'd afraid to say "Yamato" mean
Zero-ship/fly sprit Kamikaze)"Japanese temples" means Buddhism is rooted 

for Japanese-people their "One-Hand Buddhism"
The idea is that
While it's a type of religion that prays "everyone will be happy,"
"Ozabe Buddhism" is
"Belieber want to get rid of reincarnation for only yourself. They wish only the idea It's you can do."
In contrast, "One-Hand Buddhism" is a minority.
"Ozabe Buddhism" is the majority.
In the Asian region. The Japanese people don't understand chaos situation about the difference between the "Temple" and the "Shrine".
"Temple" is the style described above with the symbol of Buddha.
