
frequently serve as a vehicle to address issues ranging from A to B.

~ is often said to be an allegory representing the spread of dangers ~

S might be making a point about the society you yourself inhabit.

~ is a metaphor for the insidious spread of a dangerous idea through a complacent society.

S take the ability to V for granted.

There were tremendous opposition from O, which lead to ~ .

S would be a tool which empowered O , enabling them to become more active in scheduling ~ , thereby lessening the degree to which S influence people’s lives.

S play a significant role in swaying O in favor of ~ .

S demonstrate once again the ingenuity and resourcefulness of our ancestors.

He was , most people agree, woefully unqualified for the role.

Most notably, 「最も顕著なのは」文頭で

~ obstruct desperately needed reforms, such as ~ despite the end of ~.

S may not have had to face so much of the discrimination and grinding poverty that afflicted the society .

S have been guilty of reinforcing our false perceptions.

this smear was inspired by modern-day human arrogance and self-interest.

An analysis of the ~ , for example , showed that ~, providing clear evidence that ~

These findings paint a picture that is incongruous with earlier stereotypes.

S has faily long history. 〜はかなり長い歴史があるのだ。

S allay the concerns of skeptics, who had been swayed by the evidence.

S forster closer relationships with ~ .

It was meant to help bridge the two cultures.

The media played up the possible ~ in the year 2023.

Their efforts to fire up Japanese public about the environment resonated.

Environment is no longer relegated to a fringe issue.

Environment remained concerned.

~ has always been a riddle to me.

~ theory is supported by reports of ~

Labor-intensive jobs have extremely low productivity growth.

〜 have been the beneficiaries of technological innovations that have led to clossal improvements in their productivity that bring about both lower prices and better wages.

skyroketing college tuitions and soaring healthcare costs.

~ are more attributable to the huge profits.

As the climate crisis has worsened ,

~ were bought in lieu of highly efficient ~ .

S are not usually the type of people who would V ~ in the first place.

S is about to reach a tipping point.

S will soon achieve price parity with traditional ~ .

Many expert therefore believe that a more effective way to combat climate change would be to divert money from ~ to public.

This was once very much a fringe idea. これはかつて非主流派の考えだった。

whatever the implication of ~ may be, 〜の意味をするところがどうであろうと、

A nation’s prosperity is often measured in terms of GDP.

S bring the nation to a standstill.

Without a more conprehensive calculation that includes all indicators of economic activity , the government will lack critical insights into the true state of the nation.

serious consideration should be given to a more comprehensive calculation of economic activity in the nation.

It could render the electoral process meaningless if S V

The question of whether it should ~ is a controversial one with strong arguments on both sides.

One possible explanation for this si a so-called ~ .

The problem of ~ has plagued mankind throughout human history, impeding both economic development and the equitable distribution of wealth.

While ~ is often viewed as being rooted in culture and tradition.

This can be viciously divisive. 残虐に分断を生む

These arguments are now considered moot by leagl experts

Gun control is one of the most controversial topics in the US.

Trade-off is no longer alluring. 妥協はもはや魅力的ではない。

Due to subventions for beefed-up social programs.

The outbreak of COVID-19 have threatened to revese some of the hard-won gains made previously.


S hardly seems to be a practical solution.

A report by three economists come up with the same conclusion.

As a result of international deregulation, 国際的規制緩和の結果


S can be laborious process for 人

Many firms have turned to artificial intelligence (AI) for assistance in early rounds of ~

when it comes to formidable challenges like ~

There will be a lack of transparency in the hiring process

S must be closely scrutinized.

In the early 1990s, technology experts predicted the Internet would become a social milestones, changing the course of history.

The Internet has indeed become an advanced tool for communication, research , and entertaiment embraced by all.

shape the public’s views

the government come out with their own spin on debelopment.

They are challenged by a surprisingly savvy public.

The Internet has become so intergral to economic interests that S V

Interfering with it can be precarious to 人

S is a man(woman) on a mission to bring technology to 場所 where is now a void.

He is a part of a new wave of young , higily educated person who excel at 専門分野

He has used his technological skills to move both education and health forward.

He has benn involved in a project to bring offline wireless service to Africans who lack Internet access, which impairs their ecnomic prospects.

He hopes that by providing broader tecnological oppotunities, more Africans can tap into their creativity to innovate solutions.

S pivoted on the realization that SV

Environment , including such things as ~ , has an immeasurable impact on a performance.

S is now considered just one of several techniques.

The scientists believe that would likely not be a major impediment.

S must keep many issues in mind when SV

S makes O inherently more daunting.

S require technological knowーhow to enable O to reach their full potencial.

Techonology is progressing so rapodly that SV

The outcome was nothing short of astnonishing.

The findings could wind up ushering in a new age of ~

S could lead to advancements in communications and space exploration.

This type of ~ is believed to be a catalyst for O.

Though the discovery is not outright evidence of ~

This theory is no longer in fashion though, S V, with various findings backing the idea up.

The culmination of the effort to V would allow them to pinpoint O

It is seen to be a dead end

Researchers are taking a more holistic view of ~


The privilege of having ~ should come with a commitment to V

~ are shown to be superior to 名詞 

S makes for better health.

take up(start) a second language.

it is never too late to reap rewards.

Based on these findings , some believe that it would be prudent reflect on the ~role of ~

Companies have turned away(change) from the development effective new~ towards more lucrative concerns.

Since S have become a dead end for many people,

S stem(stop) the increase of ~ , huamn body a way to V fend off O.

Tretments with O can also be time-consuming.

In coming years

it is currently only possible to V

S have been the technique of choice for doing.

S is an iconic symbol of ~ .

〜 have become highly controversial, with critics claiming that S V

Currently , reseach is being carried out and are being consulted in the hope that a solution can be
found soon.

Thanks in large part to ,

These have come under fire because S V

There is hope that ways will be found to V ~ more sustainably in the near future.

While these technologies are in their infancy and the costs are often prohibitive.

There is scarcity of data on ~

S is fully cognizant of the hazards related to ~ .


S are of great concern to environmentalists.

They have already conceded that it will be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to eradicate them.

S associate global warming with loss of biodiversity.

This basic premise may be flawed.

Rspid climate change will put a strain on habitats around the world.

Some reseachers fear that impending global climate change could happen much more rapidly than previously believed, spelling an unprecedented environmental catastrophe.

large-scale public interventions seemed to have little effect when it came to ~

While S have not ruled out ~ as a key tool , they realize that S can be daunting for many people.

