
Kidney Transplantation in Kerala: The Good and Bad

Our changing lifestyle adversely affects our health and immune system.In this busy world maintain a good health is a tough task where our body is more vulnerable to diseases. Among various such diseases renal diseases are most common and the necessity of kidney transplantation is also mounting But finding the best transplantation center is crucial and you can see a number of popular Kidney transplantation center in Kerala

Kidney transplantation or renal transplantation involves replacing a healthy kidney either from a living or diseased donor into a person with end-stage renal disease where his kidney doesn't function properly and the transplantation is carried out through a surgical method.And in some minor cases the Doctor suggests dialysis for the patient.Kidneys filter and remove waste from the blood through urine and are located on each side of the spine, just below the rib cage.And if the kidney stops functioning properly, it affects our health very badly as it stops filtering and removing waste from the blood At the time of transplantation, the donor in blood relation is more suitable than the one with no blood relation.And if the donor is from your blood relation, then the organ rejection chance is minimal.Moreover, kidney transplantation is more effective than doing dialysis for a longer period and based on some studies, people with kidney transplants live longer than those stick in dialysis.Most
of the kidney transplants are successful and the lasts for a long period and some key points that you should be careful about kidney transplantation are :
• Period of time where the patient was on dialysis
• Age of recipient
• Degree of kidney matching
• Blood transfusions
• Precautions, hygiene, etc
• Don't expose to infections
In some cases, some acute rejections are experienced in the first few weeks after kidney transplantation and require proper medication but in some rare cases managing such rejections through medications is not possible.
Once you have replaced your diseased kidney, then you will no longer need dialysis as your new kidney starts to function normally and start filtering your blood.To limit the chance for rejection, you need to suppress your immune system through medications and due to these anti -rejection medications, your body becomes more vulnerable to infections.Also, the doctor may suggest antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal medications at this stage and if you miss the anti-rejection medications or stop the medication, your body begins to attack your new kidney as it recognizes the kidney as a “Foreign object”. And in such cases, you may need to go back to dialysis where your kidney starts to damage eventually.The major causes of end-stage renal diseases are:
• Chronic glomerulonephritis
• Chronic high blood pressure
• Diabetes
• Polycystic kidney disease
Kidney matching and compatibility are the two crucial steps to consider before kidney transplantation and choose the best urology hospital in Kerala with a maximum success rate of kidney transplant.And while selecting the hospital, go for highly equipped hospital with a high standard of maintenance.The reason for kidney transplantation fail can vary, and some common reasons are:
• Clot
• Non-adherence
• Fluid collection
• Infection
• Acute rejection
• Chronic rejection
• Recurrent diseases
• Side effects of medicine
• Donor kidney problem
Clot occurs when the blood vessels to the transplanted kidney clots and then there exist no blood flow.Clot happens within a short period after the surgery.Non
-adherence is the problem when your body identifies the new kidney as a foreign object and begins to attack it.
Fluid collection is the presence of fluid around the kidney and the pressure exerted by the fluid damages the kidney.Some
infections may cause permanent problems and can lead to many complications.Take medications if Doctor insists.Chronic
rejection is the most common reason of kidney transplant failure as it is a long term damage, where acute rejection is rare but can happen at any time.
Recurrent diseases are also very rare where it is the disease that has damaged your original kidney and there is chance for the same disease to come back and damage your transplanted kidney.If
the donor kidney has any problem, it may still affects you.But the surgeon will perform the transplant only if they find the best matching kidney but unexpected problems in donor kidney may cause damage to the kidney and no longer works properly.It
is better to go for a transplant than dialysis for a long period.But for certain people Kidney transplant is more risky than dialysis.And some conditions where kidney transplant can be more risky than dialysis include:
• Severe heart disease
• Alcohol or drug abuse
• Recently treated or active cancer patients
• Advanced age
Poorly controlled mental illness (Dementia)
So take enough precautions and checks before going for transplant and select the best renal surgeon.
