
ユウブンくんの人生・道・楽・塾【聖書日記2024年】Yubun-'s Life-Way Joy-Joy Academy [Bible Diary 2024]   5月21日 May 21

ルカ 1:37【口語訳】
For nothing spoken by God is impossible.”
Luke 1:37【WEB】

AIによるイメージ。ルカ 1:37 Luke 1:37
Believers walk through life with God, believing that He is omniscient and omnipotent.

1. 神の全能性を信じる:神は全ての制限を超えた存在であり、人間の理解を超える奇跡を行うことができます。信仰者は、どんなに困難な状況でも、神が解決できると信じる必要があります。
2. 信仰を通じて可能性を見出す:信仰者は、自分の力では不可能なことも、神を信じることによって可能になると理解し、信仰を持って行動することが求められます。
3. 神の計画に従う:マリアは自分の理解を超える神の計画に従いました。信仰者も、自分の理解や計画を超えた神の意志に従う姿勢が大切です。
4. 困難な状況でも信仰を持ち続ける:パウロは多くの困難を経験しましたが、神を信じ続けました。信仰者も、試練の中で信仰を失わずに、神の力を信じ続けることが重要です。

This scripture, which the angel Gabriel said when announcing the birth of Jesus to Mary, illustrates the omnipotence of God and the power of faith. Believers can learn the following lessons from this scripture
1. believe in the omnipotence of God: He is beyond all limitations and is capable of performing miracles beyond human understanding. Believers need to believe that God can solve even the most difficult situations.
2. finding possibilities through faith: believers need to understand that what is impossible in their own strength is possible through faith in God and act with faith.
3. follow God's plan: Mary followed God's plan, which was beyond her own understanding. It is important that believers are also willing to follow God's will, which is beyond their own understanding and plans.
4. keep the faith in difficult situations: Paul experienced many difficulties, but he kept on believing in God. It is important that believers also continue to believe in God's power without losing faith in the midst of trials.
I pray that I will believe in God's power and guidance in my life of faith, and that I will continue to have faith in difficult situations and experience God's miracles.
聖書は著作権フリーの口語訳(日本語)とWorld English Bible(WEB)を使用しています。
The Bible is a copyright-free (口語訳; Japanese colloquial translation) and World English Bible (WEB).
