

PBS NewsHour July 14, 2023

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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[01:54] 今日の主要ニュース

[03:43] The bill passed unanimously in its final reading [** = one of the three stages in the passage of a bill through a legislative assembly. See first reading, second reading, third reading (thefreedictionary); One of several stages a bill passes through before becoming law.(wiktionary) ] .

[04:19] And back in this country, the Biden administration is free for now to press [* = to urge, beseech, entreat ] social media companies about problematic posts ranging from COVID to election fraud. A federal appeals court today overruled a judge who blocked all such contact. A final ruling will await the outcome of a lawsuit on whether the government's actions violate free speech. [**  関連ニュース ]

[05:24] 共和党主導の下院 約9000億ドルの国防権限法案(National Defense Authorization Act)を可決/反妊娠中絶条項などを共和党が加えたため民主党は反対/New York Times紙の議会担当記者Karoun Demirjianに聞く

[12:00]★今日のおすすめ★ 世界保健機関(WHO) 人工甘味料のアスパルテーム(aspartame)に発がん性の可能性/広がる懸念と混乱/NPRのAllison Aubrey記者に聞く

[12:38] GEOFF BENNETT: So, adding to the confusion, the FDA also says it doesn't believe that this artificial sweetener is carcinogenic. So what are we to make of [** to make of = to interpret as the meaning of ] all of this?

[16:14] 妊娠中絶へのアクセスが女性のDV被害を減らすことは以前から知られていた/昨年の最高裁判決(Dobbs判決)で中絶への制限拡大後 パートナーからの暴力が大幅に増加/健康医療担当記者のLaura Santhanamに聞く

[17:58] And there's definitely just, again, preliminary evidence pointing to Dobbs [** = Dobbs decision = 2022年にロー対ウェイド判決を覆した連邦最高裁判決
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dobbs_v._Jackson_Women's_Health_Organization ] making things worse.

[18:50] LAURA SANTHANAM: Reproductive coercion [** reproductive coercionとは何か、このあと説明が続く ] is a form of domestic violence that we're hearing more about, especially after Dobbs. What that means is an abuser could sabotage contraception, could intercept birth control, could otherwise just hinder a person's ability to control their own -- have control over their own body. In my reporting, I came across a story of a woman who was in an abusive relationship and could not leave her home, but she could receive birth control. She got it through the mail and was able to keep control over that much of her life, until her abuser discovered that she was receiving her birth control through the mail. He began intercepting her mail, got her birth control. Eventually, she became pregnant, and she was in a state where she could not access abortion.

[21:26]★今日のおすすめ★ 風力発電の拡大に高まる反対の声

[25:50] AMY STUTZMAN: You're going to have shadow flicker. You're going to have next winter ice throw [** = In the winter, wind turbines, as with any structure, are prone to gathering ice. Ice throw from wind turbines can cause major concern and damage... https://greensolver.net/ice-throw-from-wind-turbines/ ] , noise, vibrations on the ground.

[26:11] But, at night, one common complaint does have people seeing red [** to see red = to become angry or irritated. このイデオムと実際に赤い光が見えることをかけている ] , blinking lights that warn aircraft of turbines.

[26:55] AMY STUTZMAN: One of my neighbors actually contacted a real estate agent and was basically told, you don't even need to list [** to list = to add (something) to a list; to register. (この部分の意味は…)不動産の売り物件に登録するまでもない。風力発電の風車が近くにある物件など誰も買わないから、登録する意味がない。 ] .
CATHERINE RAMPELL: Because nobody will buy it?
AMY STUTZMAN: Nobody will buy.

[28:23] We have hawks. We have soaring birds [** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_soaring_birds ] . They're all going to be at risk.

[29:14] NICHOLAS COIL, Enel North America: What you have done at the local level is you have created what's effectively veto rights for the local governments. It becomes a classic case of, we want renewable energy, but not in our backyard. [** こういう人のことをnimbyという。nimby = not in my back yard ]

[30:41]★今日のおすすめ★ 金曜恒例:2人の政治アナリストと今週を振り返る/New York Times紙のDavid BrooksとThe Washington Post紙のJonathan Capehart

[31:24] And Biden has really pinioned his presidency around [** = The phrase "pinion around" typically refers to the act of rotating or turning quickly, often with a sense of urgency or excitement. It can also imply a sudden change in direction or movement. This phrase is commonly used to describe physical actions, but it can also be used metaphorically to convey a change in attitude, opinion, or perspective... https://www.translateen.com/sentence/pinion-around-in-sentence-examples/ ] this idea that we're in a contest between authoritarian governments and democratic governments.

[34:31] And so it's not just a Donald Trump thing. It's a lot of Republicans that said we should just not be wasting our money abroad. And that's an ancient war cry [** war cry = a slogan ] in America. But we had about 50 years without it. But now it's come back.

[36:33] What do you make of this effort by Republicans to use this bill as a cudgel in the culture wars and to really virtue-signal [** < virtue signaling = the act or practice of conspicuously displaying one's awareness of and attentiveness to political issues, matters of social and racial justice, etc., especially instead of taking effective action (Merriam-Webster)] to members of their base?

[37:20] And there's a -- I'm doing a lot of history tonight. The ghost of Mark Shields [** = 番組のこのコーナーのレギュラー出演者でJonathan Capehartの前任者。故人 ] is smiling upon me.

[40:26] I mean, I haven't used these words, but I will use them now. And please don't @ me [** = to respond to, challenge, or disparage the claim or opinion of (someone) -- usually used in the phrase don't @ me (Merriam-Webster) ] . But, to my mind, from the moment Senator Scott got into the race, he was the dark horse in this campaign,

[41:43] 新刊本『Building: A Carpenter's Notes on Life & the Art of Good Work』/大工が書いた人生訓

[45:14] MARK ELLISON: When somebody really loves an idea and gets really excited about it, I will go all in [** all in = fully committed to a task or endeavor ] to render it as incredibly as it possibly can.

[46:01] JEFFREY BROWN: He builds his models and does his own work in his studio about an hour north of the city in a 1905 firehouse he converted. It's also where he pursues his other passion, music, the one that doesn't pay the bills [** to pay the bills = to provide enough income to sustain one's lifestyle. (この文脈では)音楽は趣味で、稼ぎになるわけではない、ということ。 ] . Still, he insists, developing any skill is about having the will to overcome inevitable obstacles along the way.

[49:23] Benni Lathamの第二幕/空港検査官から女優/声優へ転身

[49:21] AMNA NAWAZ: Speaking of loving what you do, as a TSA agent, Benni Latham brought lots of joy to her job. However, after a violent incident at work, she felt the need to pivot [** to pivot = to make a sudden or dramatic change ] .

[49:48] I was the TSA agent that was making up songs and doing funny voices and impressions while I was telling people to take their shoes off and all that jazz [** all that jazz = and everything else] , because, at the end of the day, you don't know where these people are going, right? If I can be the little soft part of their day in such a weird, chaotic place, then I'm happy to do that.

[50:52] And then I booked my first on-camera professional commercial for Samsung, where I played a, wait for it [** wait for it = used to draw attention to and build suspense, often ironically, for a remark to come (wiktionary) ] , TSA agent.

[51:44] BENNI LATHAM: When it comes to dealing with ethnic things, racial things, I meet people where they are [** to meet someone where they are = 自分の望むことを押し付けるのではなく、相手の考えややり方を尊重する ] and then I ask questions.

■ おすすめの辞書(時事英語やニュース英語に強い辞書)

■ 英語のラジオを聞く(BGM代わりにCNNやBBC)

■ 英語のテレビを見る(NBC News ABC News




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