
World’s first limbless political candidate runs for Japanese parliament

Hirotada Ototake was born with tetra-amelia syndrome, a rare disorder characterized by the absence of arms and legs. At birth, no-one around him thought he would be able to do much by himself. However, growing up, he refused to give up. In school, he learned to take notes, play basketball matches, and even passed his driver’s license after graduation.

In college, Ototake wrote a book of his experience titled “Gotai Fumanzoku” which immediately became a bestseller and one of the most sold books in Japan. It has been translated into English with the title “No One’s Perfect”. After graduating college, he worked as a sportswriter, then as an elementary school teacher. Recently, he has taken up the challenge of learning to walk on artificial legs for the first time. After four years of training in June 2022 he was finally able to walk bipedally and unassisted for 117m for the first time. (See video below for the record of this moment).

Ototake is now aiming to win a seat in the House of Councillors in elections on July 10th. The Tokyo electoral district, where he is running, is believed to be the most fiercely contested constituency in all Japan. But he is doing this on behalf of all those with disadvantages in Japan, notably those with disabilities, the LGBTQ+ community, women, the destitute and all the others struggling in society.

In order that he can be an effective voice for these people, he has decided not to belong to any political party, and run as an independent candidate where he hopes he can become a mediator between political parties in the parliament. This has however meant that he has had to start the campaign with no financial support, office staff, or experienced mentors. Nevertheless, that has not stopped more than 1,600 volunteers getting involved in his campaign and believing in his campaign slogans.
“We shall never give up. We fight for choices. We fight for the people, not for votes.”

We believe everyone should know how important Ototake’s presence will be in parliament, and how he can be the person to help make Japan an easier country for all to live in.

For more information on Ototake and his campaign please contact:
Takehiro Miyano
+81 70 1009 5959
