Ashamed of being "American"

This morning, I read something in the news that made me feel ashamed of being from the United States of America (yet again).

Although I appreciate the abundance of nature in the US and the pleasant customer service, there are simply too many negative aspects of the United States that keep me from feeling proud to be an "American" (which that in itself is wrong to say).

Let's start there, with the whole concept of people from the United States saying they are "American." 

We have no right of claiming the name of an entire continent (maybe even two if we include South America) when so many other countries belong to the Americas. People in Mexico and Canada are called Mexicans and Canadians even though they are in America.So why aren't we called United-Statesians?

I recently was introduced to this term during my studies in France.In my class, we each had to introduce ourselves.When someone from the US introduced himself, he simply said: "I'm American." The professor immediately interrupted him and said "Where are you from in America? South America? North America? Brazil? Chile? Canada? The USA?"

The student looked confused and said "Of course the USA ..." As if the professor had asked a dumb question.

The professor ended up giving the student a lecture and telling him that if he is from the United States, then say you are from the United States. In France, we are called "états-unien" (or états-unienne for females). We are viewed as arrogant in France if we say we are "American".

Yes, I know "United-Statesian" is a little long to say. At least say "I am from the US" then. Please.

Anyways, I digress ...

The news I read this morning was about United-Statesians staging protests to end the lockdown in the US.

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I can't help but think that these people are acting extremely immature.Why can't they take a global pandemic seriously? Some signs say "Live Free or Die" ... but do they realize it's not just their own life at risk ? And "Quarantine the Sick, not the Healthy" ... are they forgetting that often the sick do not show symptoms ?? 

Also notice how social distancing isn't being practiced, and notice how almost no one is wearing a mask ... :-) Oh. And the guns. I've always hated guns.

To make matters worse, our lovely president Mr. Donald Trump (sarcasm) has chosen to tweet support to the protestors. He's essentially supporting death.

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Reading about the protests this morning and seeing the pictures ... it has made me very angry.I am incredibly thankful to also have French citizenship, but I am just so ashamed of how the majority of United-Statesians think.How can they be like this? I wish they could grow up.

That's all :)
