

Hello guys.

Yesterday, I uploaded a video on YouTube for the first time.
The video about the facilities of Tread Athletics where I’m training now.
Have you watched it yet?

I normally like both filming videos and editing movies and that was so fun for me.
When my family goes on a trip, I often edit a movie and show my children.
If I have the opportunity, I’d like to properly learn the technique.

By the way, in the video, my performance coach Hunter says to me “Beast”, doesn’t he?

“Beast” is a common word used among Hunter, Julien & me.
Hunter told me that if I wanted to achieve my goals, I should behave like a “Beast”, especially on the mound.
I understood what he wanted to tell me, and this simple word touched my heart.

And we think the more I embody this word, the better my mentality changes.

I had hoped to get opportunities like these.
So I was glad to realize that I needed to get out of my mental comfort zone.

Before deciding to film the video to upload on YouTube, I was conflicted.
Because I know one action has several reactions like positive and negative opinions.
I always feel this way when I start something new.

However every time I do start it, I realize it’s not a big deal.

So, I think getting out of my mental comfort zone won’t be a big deal either.
From others’ point of view, even what is big for me seems very small.
It will be no problem, let’s take it easy.

I’ll go into the final bullpen session at Tread with the “BEAST” mentality.
A special thanks to everyone at Tread.

