
WISHING 03/11/22 さらば、コロナ。長い間ありがとうございました。Goodbye, Corona. Thank you for the long time


不確実性、孤立、ストレス、恐怖、不安が覆うとき、人は理性的思考や決断ができなくなり、何かにすがりつきます。2020年は世界中で詐欺が利益を上げた年でした (963)(964)。

3年目を迎えたパンデミックの危機は、多くの国々でまだ終わっていません。現時点でのCovid関連死亡者数は、世界の超過死亡数推定に基づくと、公式発表世界死者数の600万人の2倍から4倍になる可能性がある (965)。特に「ゼロCovid」政策に固執し、累積感染者が少なかったニュージーランド、中国、香港や、西太平洋地域の島々では、感染抑止の防波堤は雪崩を打つように突破され続けています (966)。








COVAX、W.H.O.や発展途上国の当局者や科学者は、免疫レベルを計算する際に過去の感染率を考慮したワクチン戦略を検討中です。それによって、中低所得国は2022年にそれほど多くの投与量を発注しないで済ませようとし始めました。そして、パンデミックが、貧困問題同様、単なる開発途上国問題の一つとして扱われるようになって片づけられる可能性もあります (967)。

ウクライナでは60歳以上の30%しかワクチン接種を受けていません。2月中旬には毎日3万人以上の感染者が報告されていましたが、侵攻前の数日間は2万5000人まで減少し、300人の死者が報告されていました。しかし、軍事侵攻開始後、1日当たり感染者数は0人になっています。ロシアの侵攻開始以来、国も人も戦争と避難活動に焦点を合わせざるをえません (968)。


近い将来、出口の見えないハイパーインフレが訪れ、世界中で資金が枯渇し、Covidや次のパンデミックのための資金など、どこにもあるはずがない状況に陥る可能性がある。世界はウクライナを境に、Covidを忘れ始めようとしているばかりでなく、手を引かざるをえなくなりそうです (969)。







In the past, Mr. Cockroach was all the rage, and all the girls in the classroom became possessed.

When uncertainty, isolation, stress, fear, and insecurity prevail, people are unable to think rationally or make decisions, and they cling to something. 2020 was a year in which fraud profited the world (963)(964).

Now in its third year, the pandemic crisis is not yet over in many countries. The number of Covid-related deaths at this point, based on global excess death estimates, could be two to four times the officially announced global death toll of 6 million (965). Particularly in New Zealand, China, and Hong Kong, which have adhered to a "zero Covid" policy and have had few cumulative infections, as well as on islands in the Western Pacific region, the infection deterrent bulwark continues to be breached like an avalanche (966).

By 2021, while COVAX and other organizations were attempting to strengthen primary immunization in middle- and low-income countries, wealthier countries were beginning to signal to the world that protecting healthy people in high-income countries was more important than primary prevention in developing countries, by announcing massive booster campaigns. The current immunization status in low-income countries is the same as it will be in April 2021 in high-income countries.

W.H.O. is trying to reach its goal of vaccinating 70% of the population by mid-2022. But as countries around the world begin to relax public health mandates and restrictions, global health leaders saw an opportunity to reassess their priorities. in February, at the Munich Security Conference, they discussed what to focus on for global health security in the coming months and years. The meeting was held in Tokyo, Japan.

Now is the time to get out of the emergency phase of the pandemic. Governments and international health organizations should focus precisely on securing billions of dollars for the long-running process of strengthening health and sanitation in preparation for the next pandemic. for the two years of intensive efforts against Covid, progress on HIV, TB, malaria, and immunization campaigns has been reversed. The number of people who have been affected by the crisis has been increasing. Funds should be provided to improve global surveillance, fund R&D for better diagnostics and treatments, and expand manufacturing capacity.

Similarly, the G20 is also calling for $75 billion in international public funding for pandemic prevention and preparedness.

Health advocates and officials promoting vaccination around the world have long feared that funding would dry up as vaccination progresses in wealthier countries. Funds could be diverted to preparing for the next pandemic rather than to ending the Covid pandemic. And indeed, now that the epidemic is perceived to have subsided and become manageable in the West, countries have begun to turn their attention to other pressing problems and crises besides Covid. As a result, the Munich conference turned into a crisis management meeting on Russia's invasion of Ukraine, with Covid taking a back seat.

The Global Fund announced that $18 billion was needed to keep the concurrent program of fighting Covid and preparing for the next pandemic on track. But, "How can we prepare $75 billion, let alone $18 billion, now when we have already spent $26 trillion on pandemic preparedness?" and global leaders' interest in raising funds for pandemic preparedness is also rapidly waning.

Only 14% of low-income countries have at least one vaccination, and there are still 30 countries with less than 10%. These countries remain vulnerable to unpredictable pandemics and remain at risk of being left without the necessary vaccines, treatments, and testing tools.

Officials and scientists from COVAX, W.H.O., and developing countries are considering vaccine strategies that take into account historical infection rates when calculating immunity levels. This has led low- and middle-income countries to begin trying to avoid ordering so many doses in 2022. And it is possible that the pandemic will be treated as just another developing country problem, as well as a poverty problem, and put away (967).

In Ukraine, only 30% of people over the age of 60 are vaccinated; in mid-February, more than 30,000 cases were reported daily; in the days before the invasion, the number had dropped to 25,000, with 300 deaths reported. However, since the start of the military invasion, the number of infected people per day has been zero. Since the start of the Russian invasion, both countries and people have been forced to focus on war and evacuation efforts (968).

Everyone now realizes that the priorities are war, inflation, and the economy, and that it is no longer an opening for coronas. For them, it is no longer the corona that concerns human lives.

The near future could bring hyperinflation with no way out, and the world could run out of money, with nowhere to go for Covid or the next pandemic. The world is not only going to start forgetting about Covid after Ukraine, it is going to have to back off (969).

After two seasons, the H1N1 influenza pandemic is no longer even a topic of conversation. Gradually, mass immunity was acquired, and before you knew it, the fatality rate had decreased. Similarly, as the younger generation that has acquired immunity to coronas moves up the population pyramid in turn, coronas is expected to have an even lower fatality rate. And so Corona will be quietly driven out of sight.

When we realize in the near future the folly of having neglected to do what we should have done and take measures against inflation after being threatened and danced around by public opinion, we will not be able to recover from our own delay.

One day, a girl possessed by a cockroach went crazy and said, "Everyone must not leave this ministry," and everyone was frightened and locked in the classroom. Most of the students were so intimidated and anxious by the cockroach that they could not think calmly. It was only when the incident was finally forgotten that everyone was able to realize their foolishness. The child had disappeared from the school before we knew it.

At best, it was only after it was all over that everyone realized the folly of staying home together as if they were possessed by someone's omen, and the folly of continuing to dance around Corona and someone else. It is normal for society to be unaware of its own stupidity, and we may remain unaware of it forever, even though the times are probably much more miserable than they are now.

And it is only after it is all over that we will find out who was the fraud during the pandemic.

It is time for the Corona Theater to fold, now that it no longer has any customers. Thank you all for your support over the years.








