
「リンカーンシャーの花束」— 時を超える民謡の響き



  1. リスボン(船乗りの歌): 軽快な旋律と「マールバラ公」の対旋律が特徴です。

  2. ホークストウ農場(守銭奴とその召使い): コラール風の旋律が心に響く緩徐楽章です。

  3. ラフォード公園の密猟者: 木管楽器のカノンが印象的な挑戦的な楽章です。

  4. 元気な若い水夫: 恋人との結婚を夢見る若者の情熱を描いたスケルツォです。

  5. メルボルン卿: 戦いの歌として、力強い節回しを展開します。

  6. 行方不明のお嬢さんが見つかった: パッサカリア形式で変奏を重ねる楽章です。



“Bouquet of Lincolnshire”—The Sound of a Timeless Folk Song

Percy Grainger's ``Lincolnshire Bouquet'' is a suite for wind orchestra composed in 1937, based on folk songs from the Lincolnshire region of eastern England. Grainger attempts to faithfully reproduce the unique singing style of the singers who sang these folk songs, making full use of irregular rhythms and grace notes.

The suite consists of six movements, each of which strongly reflects the Lincolnshire climate and the individuality of the singers.

  1. Lisbon (Sailor's Song): Features a light melody and the countermelody of "The Duke of Marlborough."

  2. Hawkstow Farm (The Miser and His Servants): A slow movement with a chorale-like melody that resonates with your heart.

  3. The Poacher of Rufford Park: A challenging movement with an impressive woodwind canon.

  4. A lively young sailor: This scherzo depicts the passion of a young man who dreams of marrying his girlfriend.

  5. Lord Melbourne: As a battle song, it develops powerful verses.

  6. The Missing Lady is Found: This movement has many variations in the form of a passacaglia.

The Fennell and Gardiner versions each offer different interpretations. Fennell brings to the fore the sound of wind instruments and American dynamism, while Gardiner brings to the fore the delicacy rooted in the European early music tradition. Both offer different perspectives on Grainger's work, offering listeners a unique experience.

We recommend performances by the Shobi Wind Orchestra and the Kanagawa University Brass Band that can be viewed on YouTube. These performances allow you to enjoy "Bouquet of Lincolnshire" from a different perspective than the Gardiner version.

St Botolph's Church






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