











The excitement of “No. 5” that resonated at Furtwängler’s historic comeback concert

Hello. My name is Daiki Wada and I am a music critic. Wilhelm Furtwängler is the conductor I respect the most, and his music always touches my heart. Today, I would like to introduce the historic concert that he held when he returned as conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic for the first time after the war.

In May 1947, Furtwängler reunited with the Berlin Philharmonic at a theater called Titania Palast. This theater replaced the Philharmonic Hall, which was destroyed during the war. Berlin was still scarred by the war, and there was a serious shortage of food, clothing, and shelter. Some Berliners waited in line for days in advance for a single admission ticket, and some even bought valuable handouts such as cigarettes and coffee, which were used as currency at the time, and some even their own shoes. It is said that some people even offered them.

Furtwängler took the podium for a total of four concerts from May 25th to 29th. This concert was Furtwängler's first official concert held in Germany after the war. He conducted Beethoven's Egmont Overture, Pastoral Symphony, and the Fifth. ``No. 5'' recorded at this concert is a record that is often taken up as the definitive version of the song.

This concert was proof of the revival of Furtwängler and the Berlin Philharmonic, and was an opportunity for Germans who had suffered from war and dictatorship to feel the power and hope of music. Every time I listen to the recording of this concert, I am moved by the passion and message contained in Furtwängler's music. In particular, the fourth movement of "No. 5" is a magnificent development that seems to lead from darkness to light, and moves the listener's heart.

What did Furtwängler want to convey to people with his music? I remember what he said.

"Music is an expression of humanity, and humanity should be free."

"Music can open the human heart and deepen understanding between humans."

"Music can give people hope."

I identify with Furtwängler's music and respect his beliefs. If he were alive today, what kind of music would he have made us listen to? Even after he passes away, his music will live on with us. Let's listen to his music and learn how to live true to our hearts.





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