





Kleiber's Beethoven: Exciting live recording of No. 4 and No. 7

Carlos Kleiber is a famous conductor who has passionately and uniquely interpreted Beethoven's symphonies. In the live recording made at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam in October 1983, he conducted the 4th and 7th. This performance has an unusual atmosphere, full of tension from beginning to end and a surging vitality. They create music that is surprisingly clear and lively.

No. 4 is said to have been composed at a time when Beethoven was in love with a "Greek maiden." Until then, this work had been described as an elegant piece, but Kleiber has created a performance that completely overturns it. The content is lively and full of vitality, and the strength that is unique to Beethoven's music is beautifully brought to life in a sense of momentum and fluidity. The orchestra also has amazing precision and ensemble, responding to Kleiber's interpretation. The fourth movement, in particular, unfolds at a frightening tempo and has an intensity that will leave you stunned. Although it's a live performance, it's a shame that there are some parts where the orchestra stumbles, but the sound itself is still scorching.

The 7th is a work that Beethoven himself said was ``the best of all my symphonies.'' Kleiber emphasizes the rhythm of this song, playing with sharpness and nerve and blood in every detail. Moreover, it is elegant, elegant, and stylish. When I listen to it, I feel dazzled by the splendor of the flesh and blood dancing. It can be said that this is a masterpiece that draws the listener into a whirlpool of sound. However, the problem is that it aims too much at theatrical and dramatic effects.

This live recording gives a sense of Kleiber's deep understanding and unique perspective on Beethoven. I highly recommend this album to anyone who wants to listen to Beethoven's symphonies from a new perspective.

Koninklijk Concertgebouw




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