
よるごはんmeeting Season 6開催中


よるごはんmeeting Season 6のthemeは
“Create an original travel plan for your country or favorite place and introduce it to the locals!


Season 6では、西鉄大橋駅の近くのスタジオゲロッパに開催場所を移し活動しています。
In Season 6, Yorugohan meeting was relocated to Studio Geroppa near Nishitetsu Ohashi Station.

Day 1の様子

Day 1では、今Season初めて参加するGiversもいたため、Icebreaker Gameの時間を長めに取ることにしました。
On Day 1, since there were Givers participating in this Season for the first time, we decided to allocate more time for the Icebreaker Game.
Givers and staff from the showcased dances trending in their countries and generations, creating a lively atmosphere.
Following that, we discussed the upcoming activities we would be engaging in.

Day 2の様子

Day 2では、ホリデー福岡株式会社の小野村さんにお越しいただき、旅行プランの作り方などをレクチャーしていただきました。

On Day 2, We had a lecture on how to make a travel plan by Mr. Onomura from Holiday Fukuoka Inc.
Givers also created a plan including places they would like to introduce, local recommendations, how to get there, etc., and gave a small presentation.

Day 3の様子

Day 3では、Holidayのアプリを使って、Giversが紹介する旅行プランをより詳しく作成しました。
On Day 3, the Givers introduced their travel plans to each other by using the Holiday app.
Givers enjoyed talking with people nearby about the places they wanted to introduce to each other.
The Givers themselves are also thinking up the titles of each travel plan, so there's a unique and fascinating originality to them.

Day 4の様子

Day 4では、ホリデー福岡株式会社の小野村さんに再度来ていただきました。
Giverが作った旅行プランを聞いていただき、1/17(Day 6)の発表に向けてアドバイスをもらいました。

On Day 4, We invited Mr. Onomura from Holiday Fukuoka Inc. again.
The Givers shared their travel plans with Mr. Onomura and he gave us advice for our presentation on 1/17.
The Giver who had worked at a travel company in their home country utilized their expertise to provide detailed insights into the history and specialties of the recommended destinations.


Staff Impressions:
Season 6 has delighted Givers who love sharing their favorite travel destinations. The theme makes it enjoyable for them to present. The lively and enthusiastic way Givers share their favorite places and hometown details is infectious, filling the room with natural smiles during presentations.The Givers' joy is evident as they recount the enjoyable times spent in these locations.
From hidden scenic spots known only to locals, and local cuisines, to unique ways of experiencing the destination, you can feel the essence of a world tour just by listening.


2024年1月17日(水)「よるごはんmeeting 世界旅行気分を味わう〜福岡に住む外国籍の方が故郷やお気に入りの場所の旅行プランを発表するイベント〜」を開催します。
コロナで自由に旅行へ行けなかったり、円安の影響で海外旅行がまだまだ難しい今、ぜひ次の旅行先探しや、まだあまり知られていない美しい場所を知る機会として「よるごはんmeeting」Season6 Day6に行われるGiversの発表を聞きにお越しください。
「よるごはんmeeting」Season6 Day6詳細はリンクをご確認ください。

Especially at a time when travel is restricted due to COVID-19 and international travel remains challenging due to exchange rates, attending the 'Yorugohan meeting’ season 6 Day 6 presentations is a great opportunity to discover your next travel destination or learn about beautiful places that are still relatively unknown.

For details on the 'Yorugohan meeting' Season 6 Day 6, please refer to the article below.

#youmakeit_jp #ユーメイクイット  #福岡イベント #fukuoka
