
くChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 神功皇后 5

『日本書紀』神功皇后 5





In October, on the third day of winter, they departed from Waniura. At that time, the god of wind stirred the winds, the god of waves raised the waves, and the great fish of the sea all surfaced to aid the ship. Favorable winds blew, and the sailboat was carried by the waves, reaching Silla without the need for rudder or oars.

Upon their arrival, the waves carrying the ship reached into the heart of the country. It seemed as if the heavenly and earthly gods were assisting them. The king of Silla, stricken with terror, did not know what to do.

Gathering many people, he said, “Since the founding of Silla, we have never heard of seawater coming inland. Perhaps our fate has run its course, and our country will become the sea.” Before he could finish, military ships filled the sea, their flags shining in the sun, and the sound of drums and flutes echoed through the mountains and rivers. From afar, the king of Silla saw the formidable forces and feared that a powerful army was about to destroy his country. Eventually realizing he said, “There is a divine country to the east called Japan, ruled by a holy king known as the Emperor. Surely, these are the divine troops of that country. We cannot possibly raise an army to fight.”

He raised a white flag in surrender, wore a white rope around his neck to signify his capture, and sealed and handed over maps and family registries. He then said, “From now on, we will serve loyally, even as horse caretakers. We will continuously send ships, offering brushes for grooming horses and whips every spring and autumn. We will also offer goods produced by our men and women even without being asked.” He swore, “Unless the sun rises in the west and the waters of the Arinare River flow backwards and its stones rise to the sky to become stars, we will not fail to pay tribute every spring and autumn, nor will we neglect to offer horse combs and whips, or else we are willing to accept the gods’ punishment.”

Some suggested killing the king of Silla, but the Empress said, “By divine instruction, we are about to receive a country of gold and silver. We must not kill those who surrender.” They freed him to become a horse caretaker, sealed the treasury, confiscated the maps and family registries.

The Empress planted a spear at the gate of the King of Silla as a sign for future generations. That spear still stands at the king’s gate today.

The king of Silla, Hasamukin, took Mishikochi Hatori-kanki as a hostage, loaded many ships with gold, silver, and colored cloth, twill, lau, and katorikinu, and sent him along on a military ship.

Thus, the King of Silla continuously sent tributes to Japan with many ships. Upon hearing that Silla had surrendered its maps and registries to Japan, the kings of Goguryeo(高麗) and Baekje(百済) assessed the situation, realizing they could not win, came forth from their camps, bowed their heads, and said, “From now on, we will forever be known as the Western Barbarians and will never cease our tribute.” This established the Inner Court Storehouse, marking what is known as the Three Kingdoms.









令和6年3月11日(月) 2024
