

Tap to extend the index so that you'll find the English ver. below :)
















※川内イオさんの「農業新時代 ネクストファーマーズの挑戦」が好き。登場して嬉しかった。読んだ理由は農家始めた友達からのオススメ。








“人は感情が入れば入るほど、話すスピードが速くなります。何かイヤなことを言われたら、すぐに反応する人、猛烈な速度で反論する人がいるでしょう。 完全に自律神経を乱し、コンディションを下げている状態です。”











“おだやかな気持ちになってごらん。 今夜から、寝がけだけは絶対に尊い人間になるんだ。どんなに体にいい結果が来るか、 やってみたものだけが知る味だ。”
































“現代では考えられませんが、例えば江戸時代の農村部で年老いて働けなくなった人々 若いけれども身体が不自由な人々、堕落した時の権力者 生まれながらにハンデがある子供達、全て排除対象だったのです。”












  1. 気負わず、とりあえず!

    • 新しいことに挑戦する際の気負いを捨て、自然体で取り組む姿勢の大切さについて。

  2. 異なる意見で賢くなる

    • 異なる意見や経験を受け入れることで、自身の知識や視野が広がり、成長できること。

  3. 人は物語に惹かれる

    • 人々の心を動かすのは、単なる言葉ではなく、その人の物語や体験に共感すること。

  4. スマホ依存考察

    • スマートフォンの利用が脳に与える影響や依存の問題についての洞察。

  5. ゆっくり話す

    • 感情が入ると話すスピードが速くなることについて、自己制御の重要性。

  6. 実力至上主義?

    • 努力や成功に対する価値観が社会に与える影響について。

  7. 寝る前には…

    • 寝る前に感謝の気持ちを書き出すことで、心に平穏をもたらす方法。

  8. 人を喜ばせる簡単な方法

    • 相手の言葉や言い回しを気にせず、自分の意見や気持ちを率直に伝えることの重要性。

  9. やりたいことをやっているときが最強

    • 自分の情熱や興味に従って行動することで、成果を上げ、満足感を得られること。

  10. 平井大は良い生き方してると思う

    • 平井大の歌詞や歌から感じる、生きる上でのポジティブな心構えについて。

  11. 知識と学問に感謝を

    • 知識や学問の奥深さに感謝し、先人たちの努力と知識の蓄積を尊重する姿勢。

  12. ちっぽけさ

    • 宇宙の広大さに比べて自分の存在の小ささを感じ、謙虚さを持つことの大切さ。

  13. 心持ち次第

    • 心の状態が外見や行動に影響を与え、自分の人生を大きく変えることについて。

  14. 逃げ?成功?価値?

    • 社会的な期待や目標に縛られず、自分の価値観や生き方を模索する重要性。

  15. 日本の常識世界の非常識

    • 異なる文化や価値観の中で、日本の常識がどれほど独特であるかについての洞察。

  16. テンプレで思考停止

    • テンプレートや既存の概念に囚われず、自己の意見形成に努める必要性。

  17. 「普通じゃない」は排除される

    • 現代社会における異質な存在や経験に対する偏見や排除の問題について。




Title: Contents

Subtitle: Thoughts on Various Notes I Read During My Train Journey from Stockholm to Uppsala, Sweden

I'm currently on a train from Stockholm to Uppsala in Sweden, with about 50 minutes to spare. During this time, I've read many ”notes".

Right now, I'm in the midst of my travels. Traveling allows me to think and feel various things, making me want to write and share my thoughts. However, even though I'm traveling, I don't want to spend too much time writing. But there's a part of me that wants to update my notes. I want to document what kind of articles I've come across during this journey while the enthusiasm is still fresh.

I strongly felt after reading the first note I'm introducing here, "Why not just put things out there without fussing too much?"

So, I've gathered the parts I liked from my tweets, which are usually excerpts from the notes. For this time, I haven't actually written anything; I've just copied and pasted excerpts. I've indicated my thoughts with asterisks (※) where applicable (Sorry to those who have already seen similar content on my Twitter).

From here on, I will simply share the content I've read. I've given titles for clarity, mainly for my own reference👇

Don't Overthink It, Just Start!

It seems like we tend to put too much pressure on ourselves. Of course, it's easy to feel pressured, especially when doing something after a long time. But often, the hurdles to doing something are high until you start, but once you try, things might just work out. Note to self: Write without pressure, without too much fuss.

※ Traveling, I constantly feel conflicted between the desire to explore everything thoroughly and the struggle within my own limitations. Both are important. So, I think it's okay to let it be. If I compromise when I'm tired and do things perfectly when I have energy, it might work out.

Becoming Wiser Through Diverse Opinions

"Different opinions do not need to be belittled; they can be essential triggers to add various perspectives to your own thoughts. Having different opinions means there might be information you don't know hidden there. So, I think viewing it that way, there's no need to consider others inferior to oneself."

The topic of abortion in America:
Sharing personal experiences like, "My sister went through this" or "I had a sad experience like this" allowed mutual understanding. Such stories made them think, "If I had gone through something like this, I might have developed the same opinion."

※ "Blind men and an elephant"
It refers to people's tendency to form opinions based only on the parts they've experienced. Even history enthusiasts seem to be drawn in by the same pattern.

People Are Drawn to Stories

"People are moved not just by words, but by the stories people carry within them."

The CEO hadn't yet verbalized exactly what kind of person they were looking for. But the CEO shared their own story with the passion with which they had built the business, the struggles they faced... After hearing this, I felt like I wanted to introduce someone who would match this CEO.

"I was asked, 'How did you find a person without clearly defining who you wanted to hire?' I felt a connection between the CEO and the person I wanted to introduce, even though I couldn't clearly verbalize it. For example, how they choose their path when they are unsure. I felt like their stories were somehow connected."

※ I love Kawai Io's "The Challenge of the New Agricultural Era: Next Farmers." (book title) I was happy to see it mentioned in the note. I started reading it because it was recommended by a friend who started farming.

People are drawn to "people." What moves people is the story within them.

Why are people so captivated by stories? Even history enthusiasts, everyone seems to be drawn in by the same pattern.

Reflections on Smartphone Dependency

The information on the internet is even more nonsensical than imagined. Twitter is heavily biased, and YouTube has many sensational videos; you can't trust such information alone. I think it's terrifying to absorb such information.

Smartphones have a mechanism that gives pleasure to the brain by suggesting that something might happen. When you hear that, it's hard for anyone to resist the urge to look at their smartphone.

For me, who is already dependent on my smartphone, not having my smartphone nearby and not touching it is a difficult thing. To sustain the will not to touch the smartphone, I end up depleting unnecessary focus.

Speak Slowly

"The more emotions are involved, the faster people speak. There are people who immediately respond when something unpleasant is said, people who vehemently counter at tremendous speed. It's a state that completely disrupts the autonomic nervous system and lowers one's condition."


"Many young people seem to genuinely believe in the logic that the wealthy became rich because they worked hard and had talent, and the poor are poor because they didn't work hard enough."

During the Koizumi administration, Hiroko Kuniya played an active role. The logic of "those who work hard and have talent become wealthy, and those who don't work hard become poor" was firmly rooted.

The terms "winners" and "losers" became widespread, and everyone was desperate to study for exams. The attendance rate at cram schools skyrocketed, and the fear of becoming a 'loser' was fueled.

The Koizumi-Takenaka reforms created a society that "inevitably produces losers."

The colonial ruling method of the West: "Divide" by favoring a small portion of the population and exploiting the majority, causing animosity among the citizens, and spreading the resentment toward the ruling nation. This is the history of colonial rule. Perhaps Japan too?

After the war, Japan prospered thanks to the power of Keynesian modified capitalism, allowing almost all citizens to enjoy the prosperity of considering themselves as part of the middle class. This virtuous cycle of mutual prosperity through cooperation lasted until the 1990s. It began to break down, ironically, from the Koizumi-Takenaka reforms.

The society created by the Koizumi-Takenaka reforms divides into regular employees and non-regular employees (dispatch workers, contract employees), making it impossible for working people to have common interests.

From the perspective of non-regular workers, "It doesn't matter if the companies trying to dispose of us go bankrupt," and from the perspective of regular employees, "I want them to have more company loyalty." Division has become easier.

The popular videos among today's youth seem to promote the discourse (the idea that only those who work hard will rise to the top) and not learn anything from the past twenty years of failures. Instead, they seem to be pushing for the same direction. We are being led towards division and weakening of power.

The society where the wealthy laugh while a hundred others cry versus a society where the wealthy struggle while a hundred others smile. Which one will we choose?

Before going to bed...

"Try to calm your mind. Starting tonight, make your moments before sleep sacred. The taste of things attempted, regardless of the physical results, is known only to those who have tried."

Before going to bed, it's a good practice to write a "gratitude note." Write down three to five things you're thankful for, things that made your day better. If there are people involved, try to mention their names. Doing this creates a sense of gratitude towards others.

Simple ways to make people happy

Think about it, when you see a foreigner trying their best to speak Japanese, you feel happy and want to support them, right? It's the same! Even if you're not perfect, try speaking. Show your effort to speak the local language. Just that can make others open up to you.

The strongest moments are when you're doing what you love

What you achieve by doing something you love and have chosen for yourself surpasses anything done under orders. That's why I want to do what I love and turn it into my work. That way, I can accomplish greater things and bring value to more people, making them happy.

Traveling around the world and senior interviews seem like the first step to erasing the line between work and play.

I think Hirai Dai lives a good life.

"Happiness isn't something you create; it's something you realize, I'm sure."

I love Hiraide Dai's songs not just for their rhythm but also for their lyrics.

※Artists who attract us have a way of living, a mindset toward life that is cool, don't they?

Gratitude for knowledge and learning

"I wondered how I gained this knowledge; most trees look similar, and I don't understand their benefits. I realized it's the result of the efforts of those who came before us, and that's why we have this knowledge."

It's true for the studies I pursue, like medicine. The textbooks are the crystallization of past efforts. But why don't I feel more grateful? Maybe it's because there are grades, tests, and it becomes something I "have to do." I'll try studying next time with gratitude.


"I suddenly thought, 'This life is enough.' I felt small. There are so many stars, and among them, there's Earth, and within Earth, there are rivers, and within them, there's me. I realized that in everyday life, we often forget that we're in the universe."

It depends on the state of your mind

"A person's inner state reflects on their appearance, especially their face. If you're feeling unhappy inside, your face looks displeased. If you have worries, your face shows anxiety. And that person's inner state gradually affects not only their face but their entire body and even changes their life."

Running away? Success? Value?

"In today's society, not actively job hunting without a specific goal might be seen as 'running away.' It's very unfortunate."

Setting goals and acting on them is crucial. However, this method is not for the entire human race; it's a strategy for those aiming for success.

It's not a way to live for those times when you're struggling with inner conflicts. Success has value, but lack of success doesn't mean you lack value.

From an outsider's perspective, my days might seem worthless, or they might seem like I'm living an easy, carefree life.

But these days, which seem to have no value, and these days of leisure, probably have roles that only I can fulfill, roles that are significant in the present moment.

Japan's common sense vs. the world's uncommon sense

"In this village, being 23 years old means you should already have children. In Japan, it's considered strange to give birth around 30. Originally, humans live to connect life, and around 15, reproductive functions develop. So why do people in Japan give birth at 30?"

Thoughtless acceptance of templates

"His words aren't his own; they're selected from words heard on the internet or TV, words he finds most convenient to slide in as his own opinions."

Even if someone isn't well-informed about a topic, they have concepts and templates that they can use as their own opinions. If someone asks, "Why is A like B?" they might just reply, "That's just how it is," a scene that seems like thoughtless acceptance.

Unconsciously, what we think of as our ego might just be processing various concepts. This processing might differ slightly from person to person.

※Well, it seems that our individuality lies in what we choose from the information we've heard from others.

"Normal" is excluded

In the mindset of the Showa era, being a "virgin" equaled being a "minority" or a "half-person," and thus, the unconscious label of "virgin" equals "someone who can't do what anyone can do" remains.

"Meeting the opposite sex, falling in love, narrowing the distance in hearts through communication, and reaching sex" is "normal"?

While the difficulty level may vary, it's an experience most people can achieve, a prerequisite; otherwise, the survival of humanity would be in jeopardy.

"In modern times, it's unthinkable, but in the Edo period, people who couldn't work in old age, young people with physical disabilities, corrupt rulers, and children born with disadvantages were all excluded."

The spirit of the French Revolution, the spirit of universal love and equality, was born. People should be treated equally. The concept of "human rights" became established. Regardless of whether they were royalty, nobility, citizens, or slaves, all were equal lives. It was a significant event in human history.

"As a primitive animal instinct, there's a tendency to exclude individuals recognized as different from the community to maintain discipline within the community."

Sex involves pleasure, and in romantic relationships, there are emotions. Human sex, as a species with the freedom to choose partners, is not just an act to leave offspring.

Additionally, in seeking a romantic partner, there is a demand for "understanding of oneself," making partner selection in families very complex. Complete freedom in love has only recently become common.

In conclusion

This time, as an experiment, I've compiled "interesting parts as perceived by Yasuhiro." My personal opinions aren't explicitly included. Therefore, this isn't my writing. However, it is a "selection of things I find intriguing." No one else can make the same pick, so, well, it's a "copy-paste," but it's become something unique to me, I think.

The original theme was to minimize effort, so I'll end it here this time. Even though I say that, it's almost 5500 characters(ofc in Japanese). It's long and might be hard to read, I know. But I have a tendency to want to include various things. I'm always grateful to those who read. I love those who leave comments even more.

Thank you very much for reading to the end! I look forward to meeting you again in the next note! 👋
