
【Koyomi】 May 9, 2024

Today, I want to explore the fascinating world of rice planting, an integral activity for many farmers worldwide.


Understanding the Transplantation Method

Rice cultivation often utilizes the paddy field system known as 'wet rice farming'. Most farmers engage in transplanting, where seedlings grown from seeds are moved to paddy fields. This process, widely referred to as 'rice planting', varies by region, but it typically occurs between May and June.



The Importance of 'Shirokaki

‘Shirokaki' involves burying any weeds that have started growing on the soil surface into the mud. This preparation step is crucial as it helps rice seedlings outpace the growth of weeds after planting. Depending on the soil quality, the fields are ready for planting one day after 'Shirokaki'.



Managing Water Levels Post-Planting

Immediately after planting, it is essential to maintain a deeper water level to protect the seedlings from abrupt weather changes. However, prolonged deep water can hinder root development and early growth, leading to shallow water management once the seedlings have established.


