
Opened my eyes

I wake up from sleep and suddenly find myself faced with the harsh reality of the world. The bits and pieces of a fading dream still float in my mind, taking me into a world where I feel alone.

The heavy burdens from the past still weigh me down, leaving a mark on my heart that I can't erase. It's a sad truth that brings everlasting pain.

Why did my dream have to end? In my dream world, everything was perfect. I danced and hoop with my friends in a bright and colorful place, feeling happy and free. It was like a magical world where anything could happen.

But now, as the sun rises and I open my eyes, that magical world disappears. All I'm left with are fragments of memories and a feeling of longing. I wish I could go back to that dream and stay there forever.

But even though my dream is gone, there's still hope. In that moment of happiness, I caught a glimpse of who I truly am. The things that made me happy in my dream are still a part of me. They've changed me in some way, and I carry them with me as I live my life.

So, even though I have to face the sadness of waking up from a dream, I know that inside me, there's a spark of that happiness. It will guide me as I go through life, reminding me that beauty and sadness are both a part of being human.

It was just a dream. But within that dream, I found something real. And I will hold onto that truth forever.



