

PBS NewsHour June 23, 2023

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[00:00] 今日の番組内容

[03:02] 今日の主要ニュース

[03:16] GEOFF BENNETT: Eight justices ruled that Republican-led states had no legal standing [** standing = 以前の番組に詳しい説明があります ] to challenge the new guidelines.

[08:22]★今日のおすすめ★ ロー対ウェイド判決破棄から1年 妊娠中絶賛成派、反対派がこの1年を振り返る

[09:48] As an attorney at Alliance Defending Freedom leading our Life Team, I work alongside states and pro-life pregnancy centers [** pro-life pregnancy center = a type of nonprofit organization established by anti-abortion groups primarily to persuade pregnant women against having an abortion... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crisis_pregnancy_center ] and pro-life medical professionals and other advocates and churches to help defend laws that protect life. I believe the biblical world view about God creating every single person in the womb with a life and a future and a hope.

[19:17] フィラデルフィアのハイウェイ(I-95) 崩壊から2週間足らずで復旧

[20:59] MICHAEL CHAJES: In this case, they're using actually a very lightweight glass aggregate [** aggregate = 骨材。コンクリートなどを作るときにセメントに混ぜる砂利の類の総称 ] that's about one-sixth the weight of a normal fill.

[22:07] JOE BIDEN, President of the United States: I'm directing my team, not figuratively, but literally to move heaven and earth [** to move heaven and earth = to do everything possible to bring about something desired ] to get it done as soon as humanly possible.

[24:29] ウクライナ戦争 防空システムで生気を取り戻しつつある首都キーウ(Kyiv) Independent Television NewsのLindsey Hilsum記者がリポート

[24:22] AMNA NAWAZ: The Russian mercenary leader Yevgeny Prigozhin is said to be under investigation by Russian intelligence tonight, after claiming that Russia's war with Ukraine was started under false pretenses [** = by saying something that is not true, by pretending something, etc. (Merriam-Webster) ] by top military officials.

[28:46]★今日のおすすめ★ 反トランスジェンダー法に立ちはだかる司法の壁 LGBTQ関連の法律に詳しいUniversity of ArkansasのDanielle Weatherby教授に聞く

[28:59] LAURA BARRON-LOPEZ: Twenty states have put into place bans or severe restrictions on transition-related medical care [** transition = (LGBT) The process or act of changing from one gender role to another, or of bringing one's outward appearance in line with one's internal gender identity (wiktionary) ] for minors, but measures in at least five of those states have now been permanently or temporarily blocked from taking effect.

[29:47] [** 未成年のトランスジェンダーの性適合医療を禁止する州法を合衆国憲法違反とした理由その1] His determination was that Act 626 was unconstitutional for three reasons. First, he said that the act violated the Equal Protection Clause [** = The Equal Protection Clause is part of the first section of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. The clause, which took effect in 1868, provides "nor shall any State ... deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." It mandates that individuals in similar situations be treated equally by the law... (wikipedia) ] , to the extent that it discriminated on the basis of sex.

[30:00] [** 理由その2]Second, he said that it usurped the parental right to make well-informed medical determinations on behalf of their minor children. And this is a right that is implicated by the substantive due process clause [** = Substantive due process is a principle in United States constitutional law that allows courts to establish and protect certain fundamental rights from government interference, ... Courts have asserted that such protections come from the due process clauses of the Fifth and Fourteenth amendments to the U.S. Constitution, ... Substantive due process demarks the line between those acts that courts hold to be subject to government regulation or legislation and those that courts place beyond the reach of governmental interference... (wikipedia)] .

[30:15] [** 理由その3] And then, finally, he said that this act violated physicians, treating physicians' First Amendment rights, insofar as it prohibited them from consulting with their patients about the gender-affirming care.

[30:58] In terms of the medical science, however, the vast majority of experts, including the American Medical Association, the American Pediatrics Association, and all of the experts that have weighed in on this subject, unanimously agree that this type of gender-affirming care is in a minor's best interest when the minor has been diagnosed with gender dysphoria [** gender dysphoria = a profound and persistent unhappiness related to characteristics associated with one's biological sex, experienced especially by transgender people (wiktionary). 性別違和感(『英辞郎』) ] .

[32:52] And even though, yes, some of the decisions have come from Trump appointees and some have come from appointees by Democratic presidents, the judiciary's role is to apply the law and to apply precedent under the principles of stare decisis [** = (law) The principle of following judicial precedent 先例拘束の原則 ] .

[33:39] DANIELLE WEATHERBY: Well, these are deeply charged [** chargted = capable of arousing strong emotion ] issues, and people feel very strongly about them one way or the other.

[33:45] I would note that Governor Asa Hutchinson, who has put his name in the hat [** to put one's name in the hat = To submit one's own name for consideration in a selection, such as a competition, election, etc. ] for presidential candidate, actually initially vetoed this bill when it came out of the Arkansas legislature, and it was only passed after the legislature overrode his veto.

[34:36]★今日のおすすめ★ 金曜恒例:2人の政治アナリスト(David BrooksとJonathan Capehart)と今週を振り返る

[36:11] Even before the midterm elections, the vote in Kansas, ruby-red Kansas [** 共和党支持者が多い州をred stateという(民主党はblue)。普通の赤よりさらに濃いruby-red、つまり、共和党色がとても強いカンザス州という意味 ] , people came out in support of abortion rights.

[36:20] Wisconsin state Supreme Court justice seat decided on the issue of abortion. [** 関連ニュース ]

[38:42] I would love for the governor to define woke. What does it mean to him? Because, to me and millions of other Americans, when Republicans start spouting off about woke [** woke = aware of social justice issues; (in some cases) holding progressive views or attitudes.see also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woke ここでJonathan Capehartが言っているように、wokeという言葉が具体的に何を意味するか、人それぞれではっきりしないことが多い。というか、使っている本人にも明確な定義がないのではと思われる場合もある。リベラル派を批判する時に何となく使っているような… ] this and that, it's usually something that an aggrieved person on the right usually doesn't like about what's happening in the country, oh, I don't know, about African Americans wanting the fullness of American history being taught in schools,

[39:43] GEOFF BENNETT: To Jonathan's point, I was speaking with a Republican strategist who said, the political utility [** utility = usefulness ] of woke is that it is whatever you want it to be and it is whatever the listener hears.

[43:47] This week, the lead IRS investigator released this WhatsApp where you have Hunter Biden going to a Chinese official and saying, you better send me the money. I'm sitting with my father right here. If you don't send the money, there's going to be a world of hurt [** world of hurt = a large or intense amount of pain, misfortune, poor treatment, etc. (thefreedictionary)] laid down on you.

[44:39] Justice Samuel Alito did not disclose a luxury trip he took with a hedge fund billionaire, Paul Singer. [** 関連ニュース ]

[45:58] 夏の読書リスト

[48:14] But here he's drawing on a story that derives from his mother's experiences during World War II. She was a volunteer with the Red Cross. She was a so-called Donut Dolly [** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Red_Cross_Clubmobile_Service ] . She and another woman rode around in a truck delivering coffee and donuts to servicemen. I had no idea -- my dad was in World War II, and I had no idea that these women did more than just meet soldiers at the railroad station.

[52:18] It does seem as though more big-name authors like Colson Whitehead too are now publishing in the summer. I mean, summary used to be more lighter fare [** fare = something offered to the public, for entertainment, enjoyment, consumption, etc (random house ) ] , but I'm happy to see that.

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