
令和6年2月21日Japan's flying base stations set to take off in 2025

Make words bold which I don’t understand.

Speaking Section

Each speaking is limited in FIVE minutes.


Rewrite following sentences. These are written by voice record. OKOKOK Let's let's start to talk about my feelings. today also today. Yes. So I managed to start. start doing coughing. Yeah, I just finally I started started to study started studying cargo cargo. Yeah. Which is the which is the online or online learning course or taking a competition services to in. on on a field of data science or machine learning OK, OK. So, yeah, I said it to study about it And yeah, I'm trying, I'm trying my best now. I'm trying my best now. So yeah, yeah. Before I started, before I just started, I feel like yeah, I feel like I'm not, I'm not wanting to do about it, but after the start, after I started, I just, I got a power to do. So, yeah, anything. when when you are, when you are doing anything, you can do, you can get, you can get our, you can get the power to do some you will. you will get to, you will get up, you will get a power to do if you. just when you use. when you just started as you just started by you starting, just by you just starting about it. So, OK, yes, also, in addition today, at at OK, in addition today, I also wish. you are wasting my time. I'm, I was, I was wasting time about three hours on the day So, yeah, I just want to read about something. I have A, have a three books to read now. just now. So I don't have. enough. I don't have enough time to to do something, to do something I want to. But I just, I was wasting my time now. I regret it. I'm regretting it. Regret, regretting it. I'm regulating it. But yeah, anyway, I just note, it's just not amend after. after done, after you have, after it done. So, I just to, I just to keep my face to forward. And, yeah, I'm, I'm looking, I'm looking for, I'm looking to, I'm looking to the face. I'm looking to the in front of me I just, I just making a forward to do, to do something I want to, to do something I want. OK, Yeah. And also, this year, in this year, I will, I just, I, I, I'm going to take. various tests for. various tests for my interest. So, yeah, I should have started. I should have started studying them as soon as. I can now, because the time will soon, will soon pass away. Time will soon pass away. And yeah, after that, after the time passed away, we can. we cannot, we cannot take it back. Yeah, yeah. I don't want to regret even more anymore. I don't want to regret anymore. So I just make it forward now. just now, just right now I just, I just make it for right now.


Okay, let's begin discussing my emotions today. So, I finally started delving into studying Cargo, an online learning platform for data science and machine learning. Initially, I lacked the motivation, but once I began, I felt empowered to continue. It's amazing how simply starting something can give you the drive to carry on. Additionally, today, I found myself wasting about three hours. I regretted it afterward, but dwelling on it won't change anything. I need to focus on moving forward. I have three books waiting to be read, but time is limited. I must prioritize wisely. This year, I plan to pursue various tests aligned with my interests. I must start studying for them now; otherwise, time will slip away, and regrets will only pile up. It's time to take action and make progress, starting from this moment.


Topic:Would you rather have a simple task for someone else or a challenging job for yourself?
Rewrite following sentences. These are written by voice record. OK, Let's have a discuss. Let's delve into discussion about a discussion on the topic at today's topic Is is following sentences. Would you rather have a simple task for someone else? or are challenging job for yourself? It's intriguing in the topic to discuss. because the job we take, we are engaging in is not, is not only the measure to to make a benefit. make money. But for a lifelong, lifelong activity, or making friends, or making a making some goals over life, or or us, or study some philosophy of life, yeah, So the job is not, is not simple. We cannot choose the choose the job only by the money or proceeds, succeeds, but also. the the meaning, the meaning or the goals. the goals after the after the you will take, you will take the job, or yeah, or the the effect, or impact on people around. you around you. So, yeah, if. if you, if you have a lack of, if you have a lack of look at the. to the these, to the these factors, you will get, you will your your life, your life will your life will will be your life. Might be your life. might be going to disruptive, distractive. Yeah, because of you, because of you have a luck, because you, you have a luck of. perspective of your family. or friends or your your lifelong partners. So yeah, you might be you might you might you might break your. important price. list relationship. to others people So anyway that's OK so anyway so you need to you need to consider about not only money but also but also the meaning of the jobs or the impact of the jobs. OK then ohh no. then so I'd like to I'd like to talk about myself about this topic I'd like to I'd like to have a challenging job. for myself compared to the compared to a simple task for someone else because. yeah it might be so it might be better it might be better if there is a challenging job for for someone else. because because I challenge because challenging tasks itself have a have a have a positive impact on myself on my mental on my mental well beings so so yeah just if you have a challenging task it might be it might be impact or impact on my mental by itself. but anyway. Yeah, but Joe who is not divided simply the job. was not the job come. in not divided just simply simply just by our. for someone else or for yourself. Yeah, because the because because every job is in the is in the. is in the network of the society. So it's so complicated. It's so complicated to relationship it's so complicated about relationship with each other or yeah again also reciprocal. effect to the to each other. Yeah. Anyway yeah. I might I like yeah, I want to. I just want to have a challenging job Yeah job takes more job takes. job will take will take a lot of my time a lot now huge amounts of my time so yeah I just want to consume or use my time for something for something meaningful. Yeah I don't I don't know that I don't know this challenge job will make so benefit both. of money or something money or something meaningful. I don't know but I don't know about it but anyway the the process of the the process. the process that type the process tag green tackling the process tackling the tackling the challenging job will be benefit myself will be benefit I think. maybe benefit we may be benefit we'll be benefit about it


Sure, let's delve into the discussion topic for today: Would you prefer a simple task delegated to someone else, or a challenging job for yourself? This topic is intriguing because our choice of work isn't solely about financial gain; it's about lifelong engagement, building relationships, pursuing personal goals, or delving into philosophical pursuits. Therefore, selecting a job should consider not only monetary rewards but also its meaning, impact, and effects on those around us. Neglecting these factors may lead to disruptions in personal relationships and overall life satisfaction.
Now, shifting to my personal perspective on this matter, I'd opt for a challenging job over a simple task for someone else. Engaging in challenging tasks has a positive impact on mental well-being, contributing to personal growth and fulfillment. However, it's essential to acknowledge that job choices aren't just about individual preferences but are intertwined within the societal framework. Every job interacts within the complex network of society, influencing and being influenced by others. Despite the time and effort required for a challenging job, I find value in dedicating myself to meaningful endeavors. While the outcome in terms of financial gain or other benefits may be uncertain, the process of tackling challenges itself offers personal growth and satisfaction, which I believe ultimately benefits both individuals and society as a whole.

Writing Section


Rewrite following sentences. These are written by non-native speaker. To keep connecting telecomunication around the globe is no crucial task for distributing safe information and make the world in peace. If we lose our infrastractures like bases for telecomunication, we will soon also lose our mental stability and vatue of human because of anxiety from a lack of information about a current situation. To tackle this problem, humanity have taken some measures: one satelite on the orbit, another airplane in stratosphere. Start with SpaceX which offering satelite service with lower costs and launch frequency, it also offers telecom infra by a lot of micro satelites. It called starlink and if you have a dedicated antenna anywhere, you can use the internet readily. it have been used devastated area by natural disasters, or remote location like in montains or islands. In contrast, Japan take a lead in airplane approach. Japanese campanies primarily of telecomunication and satelite, seek to implement internet service by relay through airplanes in stratosphere a sky far above. In the leading conference on rulemaking on telecomunication held in Dubai acknowledged a certain frequency to global standard for airplane telecomunication which Japan proposed.


Ensuring global connectivity in telecommunications is a crucial task for disseminating secure information and fostering peace worldwide. The loss of telecommunications infrastructure could lead to a decline in mental well-being and the erosion of human values due to anxiety stemming from a lack of information about current events. In response to this challenge, various measures have been implemented by humanity, such as placing satellites in orbit and deploying airplanes in the stratosphere. SpaceX, for instance, not only offers satellite services at reduced costs and with increased launch frequency but also provides telecom infrastructure through numerous micro-satellites, known as Starlink. With a dedicated antenna, individuals can readily access the internet, even in devastated areas following natural disasters or in remote locations like mountains or islands. Conversely, Japan has taken a leading role in the airplane-based approach to internet connectivity. Japanese companies specializing in telecommunications and satellites are exploring the provision of internet services via relay through airplanes in the stratosphere, high above the sky. This approach gained recognition at a prominent telecommunications rulemaking conference held in Dubai, where a specific frequency allocation for airplane telecommunications, proposed by Japan, was acknowledged as a global standard.





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