
令和6年2月20日Indian imports of Russian oil drop to lowest in a year

Make words bold which I don’t understand.

Speaking Section

Each speaking is limited in FIVE minutes.


Rewrite following sentences. These are written by voice record. OK feelings. now? No. I said. I said in past these days. I said. I said also things in in the past days. In the recent past day in the recent past days. But yeah, but yeah, I want to say that again about my daily routine efficiency. Yeah, not today. I get up on the 4:00 AM about 4:00 AM because my because of my. because II feel like because I feel some hungry. Yeah, I think it's I think it's because how I'm hungry. I was hungry. so bad. Yeah. Anyway, I get up. I get up about I get up about. I got up about 4:00 AM but yeah, just started. Just I will start. I gotta start it. I gotta start it from the reading a book. Yeah, it's not a very task. It's not well that it's not it's it's not of the daily task routine. but yeah but now about 9:48 AM. 9:48 AM so I didn't finish. I have not haven't I haven't I haven't finished my routine tasks. Yeah. I don't know how. I don't know what I don't know why I. I don't know why I need such a. such a long time to to fulfil the daily tasks It might be it would be too long for a daily task about. yeah, it's about 4 or 5 hours. It's alright it's too long, I think. because I went to because I have a lot of things to to do to do. Yeah, I should. I should I. maybe I should I should recognise and consider consider about there. a routine reconstruction realignment. that irritating is a little bit longer than than my capacity to. Yeah, but alright. nothing else. So I need. to to to to establish on to establish varied establish our significant ability. Language ability that we need to more times we need to some kind. of some much amount of much time. much time so. yeah, it might be. It might be good. for that it might be good. Only this only this data returns. I don't know. anyway. Yeah, I borrowed three more birds. Even if I have even I have been borrowed one big one big and so long and ridden in English books so. have a lot have a lot to read have a lot to delete have a lot have a lot delete one is an apron one is a Senegal one is a diversity and one is about. twenty one lessons for the 21st century. so yeah. it's about some kind of philosophy or something.


I've been feeling a certain way recently, not just today, but over the past few days. I've mentioned it before, but I'd like to reiterate it, especially concerning my daily routine and its efficiency. For instance, I've been waking up around 4:00 AM, not by choice, but because I feel hungry, which is unusual for me.
Once I'm up, I start my day by reading a book. This isn't a regular part of my daily tasks, but I've incorporated it into my routine. Now, it's around 9:48 AM, and I haven't completed my usual tasks yet. It's puzzling to me why it's taking so long; my routine tasks usually take about 4 or 5 hours, which seems excessive. I have a lot to do, and I'm beginning to think that I need to reevaluate and possibly realign my routine. It seems to be more than I can handle in its current state.
Furthermore, I realize the need to enhance my language skills, which requires significant time and effort. This realization is important, but it adds to my already packed schedule.
On top of everything, I've borrowed three more books, despite already having a large and challenging English book to read. The new books cover a range of topics: one on aprons, another on Senegal, and the third is "21 Lessons for the 21st Century," which delves into philosophy. So, there's a lot for me to read and think about.


Topic:What's the worst thing that's ever happened to you when you've been on the road?
Rewrite following sentences. These are written by voice record. OK Let's get started. today's topic is what's the word thing that's ever happened to you when you have been when you been to young when you been on the road? When you've been on the road? So that's me. When I'm travelling or touristy or travelling or tripping. What's things happen to me What do you think? What do you think about the thing? Will you? Will you? Will you look? The voice thing in your life. OK, the worst thing. ever. I've ever experienced when I when I'm travelling Yeah. So last year I don't know. Two years ago. Two years old. Two years ago. I was so March. It was March at. I travelled to Hokkaido, the Northern region of Japan. And yeah, I tried. I travelled with a train. Not rapid train or or bird train. Just. just local train. Only just local train. Yeah, In the season like spring or summer. Special ticket for special ticket. are. a special to get available for the for the tourist who. who want to who want to travel who want to travel with with a local train with a low lower cost. so I took the I took this ticket and I started I started travel along the Hokkaido. Yeah Hokkaido in in winter. Hokkaido has Hokkaido is is getting so hard. and so so so. a lot of so a lot of snows and. yeah, the the. desk the. the the the the sings or the sky. Sky are. yeah. Every place is every place is I've I've met II have visited. every every places I visited in Hokkaido. was was was was covered so. have has covered so snowy. Yeah. finally II reached the northern most. most northern people. northern peak of the Japan's of the Japan's national land. I hope that your car no no no yeah national peak of the polka do but but on the plan II would I would go to the east side east side of the Al Qaeda. Yeah. Also with the local train. But when I was when I was going to to that side. heavy snow heavy snow with. heavy snow was. having snow was prevented my way to the to the distribution. Yeah. I took about an hour's. I took out an hour's before II realised that the train can't the train couldn't go to the go to the east side of Hokkaido. Yeah. So about three. stations. Yeah. I took the train in on the three stations. But I couldn't realise that even even then even II arrived at last station I can go I can go that times. So so then II decided to. I decided to put my. on the on the way to on the way to back to the back to my phone back to my home Yeah, yeah. My travel. My trouble was end up end up end up end up because of the snow heavy snow. and and then I need I just needed to. remake my plan my. my my plan immediately on the inside a train so. it's just a little bit hard. to to make such a plant such tribal plan. Yo but I Finally, II managed to to get my way on to get my way to the home Yes OK, that's it


Let's dive into today's topic: the worst experiences we've had while traveling or on the road. I'll share mine. A couple of years ago, in March, I decided to travel to Hokkaido, the northern part of Japan. I chose to travel by local train, not a rapid or bullet train, but just a regular one. I took advantage of a special ticket available for tourists in the spring or summer, which allows for cheaper travel on local trains. So, I set off to explore Hokkaido.
Hokkaido in winter is tough, with a lot of snow. Everywhere I visited was blanketed in snow. I reached the northernmost point of Japan's mainland, intending next to travel to the east side of Hokkaido, still using the local train. However, a heavy snowstorm blocked my path. It took me about an hour to realize that the train couldn't proceed to the east side of Hokkaido. I had to change trains at three different stations, but even then, I couldn't continue my journey as planned.
Eventually, I decided to head back home, as the heavy snow had completely disrupted my travel plans. I had to quickly rethink and rearrange my itinerary while on the train, which was quite challenging. In the end, I managed to find my way back home. That was my experience with a disrupted travel plan due to heavy snow in Hokkaido.

Writing Section


Rewrite following sentences. These are written by non-native speaker. According to this article, India is decreasing the share of imported crude oil from Russia. After Russia got started invasion to Ukraine, Russia have been posed sanctions on some items and comodities by prilmarily group of seven and European Union, also crude oil excavated in Russian land are posed price cap of about six hundred dollers each barrels. Thus, the price of russian oil have been lower, and India decided to take advantage of this opportunity. Since 2022, India didn’t import oil a bit from Russia before the war, the amount of imported oil had been rising higher to about approximately 30 % of Russian export oil are to India. While Russia is taking some measures to avoid the sanctions like using shadow fleet which is aging containers disgusting not being Russian, The sanctions primarily by the west have significant influences on the globe, notably international exchange system or sending money system cannot be used. so that, a trade with Russia have somehow higher risks of currency value volitility. Russia is now getting a lot of benefits from these exports even more than last year, but India have been making its supply chains more diversified to expand the routes importing from like Iraq and Turkey. The minister of petroreum said that India is one of the country on democracy, so we need to sutisfy people’s demand for lower prices.


According to the article, India is reducing its dependence on Russian imported crude oil. Since Russia initiated its invasion of Ukraine, it has faced sanctions on various goods and commodities, primarily from the Group of Seven and the European Union. These sanctions include a price cap on Russian oil, roughly $600 per barrel. As a result, the cost of Russian oil has decreased, and India has seized this opportunity. Prior to the war in 2022, India did not import oil from Russia, but since then, the volume of imports has significantly increased, accounting for about 30% of Russia's oil exports to India. Russia is attempting to circumvent these sanctions, for instance, by using a 'shadow fleet'—aging vessels disguised to appear non-Russian. However, the sanctions, mainly from Western countries, have had a considerable impact globally, particularly affecting international financial transactions and payment systems, making trade with Russia riskier due to currency value volatility. Despite this, Russia is benefiting more from these exports than in the previous year. Meanwhile, India is diversifying its supply chains, increasing imports from countries like Iraq and Turkey. The Indian Petroleum Minister stated that as a democratic nation, India needs to meet its people's demand for lower fuel prices.




