Move, move and move

At the beginning of this year, I was so busy going somewhere and returning home repeatedly.
At first, I went to Totsuka, a little bit west of Yokohama City to see my family, an aunt, and cousins. On the next day, the 2nd. January, I went to Shin Osaka to see my master of photographic arts. I'm planning to hold my marriage party on the 5th of February and I asked him to take our photos then. Therefore, I need some discussion with him in advance of the party. Finally today, the 3rd. January, I went to Sannomiya, Hyogo prefecture to see my family-in-law. We had lunch there and talked about our daily life in Tokyo.
Now, I'm going back to Tokyo by Shinkansen Express Train and I'm expected to get home at 22:00. However, this is not the end of the new year trip. I need to go to Narita tonight. I'm going to play golf with Yoshida san, the managing director of my client company at Kuno Country Club in the early morning. To get it in before the starting time, I decided to stay Narita this night.
