


2023年夏、終わったことにしたコロナ禍。あちこちで久しぶりのお祭り。コロナ前に戻ったような喧騒。しかし、何かが変わった。川端康成の「国境の長いトンネルを抜けると雪国だった。」が頭をよぎる。長いコロナ禍で何かが変わっていた。祈りは通じたのだろうか? マスク姿、リモートワークが定着。街は異常気象の灼熱地獄で日傘が目立つ。学生は学校に戻り、人々の活動も復活した。外国人の姿がやけに目立つ。円安とインフレ。分断と格差。孤立し、希薄化していく人間関係。貧乏になった日本。真っ白な世界で、危うさは日傘とマスクで隠されてしまったようだ。 2023年夏の日常を超ハイキーで撮影し、コロナ禍後の得体のしれない違和感を表現してみました。撮影場所は、市川、上野、御徒町、熊谷(うちわ祭り)、神楽坂(阿波踊り)、両国、錦糸町。

Although the coronavirus still exists, festivals have begun to be held all over the country, with the promise that the coronavirus pandemic will end in the summer of 2023. It feels like it's as lively as it was before the coronavirus. But something has changed. I am reminded of Yasunari Kawabata's words, ”Once we passed through the long tunnel at the border, we found ourselves in a snowy country.'' Something has changed during the long coronavirus pandemic. Did my prayer work? Wearing masks and working remotely have become commonplace. Parasols are visible in the city due to the scorching heat of abnormal weather. Students have returned to school and activities have resumed. Foreigners are very noticeable. yen depreciation and inflation. Division and disparity. Human relationships become isolated and weakened. Japan has become poor. In a completely white world, danger seemed to be hiding behind parasols and masks. The daily life of the summer of 2023 was shot in super high-key to express the strange feeling of discomfort after the coronavirus pandemic. The shooting locations are Ichikawa, Ueno, Okachimachi, Kumagaya (Uchiwa Festival), Kagurazaka (Awa Odori), Ryogoku, and Kinshicho.

