

夢の中で 振り向いた君は 
哀しげに 無理して笑った。

闇に紛れ 小さくなる背中、
永遠の別れ 予感させる。

ただ黙って 見送るしかなかった。

どこに住んで 誰と 暮らしたのか。


君との日々は もう戻らない。
過ぎ去りし日々は 永遠に戻らない。

Past Eternal Days

In my dream,
you turned around and laughed sadly.

Your back,
which becomes smaller in the darkness,
makes me feel an eternal farewell.

I couldn't stop you saying,
"Don't go over there,"
and I had no choice but to silently see you off.

What happened to you since then?
Where and with whom did you live?

I won't see you anymore.

The days with you will never return.
The days that have passed will never return.
