








Prime Minister Abe:

About two years ago, I had a pleasure meeting with you, Professor Krugman. At that time, Japan was able to be going out of the deflation then we have set for ourselves the 2% inflation goal. We were talking during that time that a rocket has to go out of the atmospheric region, which means that an escape velocity has to be earned in order to lift the Japanese economy out of deflation and we were looking for a good speed to do that. That was a priority that we have been talking about.


Hence, the rest of the world has been thinking about the fiscal spending and Japan should also come up with the fiscal spending in a coordinated fashion. We have been talking about that. But we worry about the accumulated debt. That is a source of another concern. What to do about it? But Governor Kuroda took a policy to introduce negative interest rates so that the 10 year JGBs yield turns negative at the moment.


So, we would like to take advantage of this situation and Japan should come up with a fiscal spending. That is what some of the people are saying right now within Japan. Do you have any view on this? Any observation on this point?


Professor Krugman:

Very much so. The case for spending now is quite strong despite the debt. It is true for multiple reasons.


First, fiscal stimulus is very important as an aid to monetary policy in breaking out of deflation. We have seen that it is difficult to do it with money alone.


Second, interest rates are very low. In fact, real interest rates in Japan are negative out to very long maturities. There are needs, there are spending that needs to be undertaken. A business faced with very low borrowing cost and with real investment opportunities would find this a good time to spend. That is true even for Japan.


Third point I would make is that the concerns about the debt, I don’t want to wave away entirely but one thing we have learned from Japan but also from other advanced countries is that stable advanced nations that borrow in their own currencies have a very long road for them to have a fiscal crisis. People have been betting against JGBs since about 2000. All of them have suffered financial disaster. The robustness of the market is very strong. It is even hard to tell a story. If someone says Japan would be like Greece, tell me how that happens. You have your own currency. The worst that could happen would be that the yen would depreciate which would be a good thing from your point of view. I do not think that is a thing to be worried about.


Finally, to the extent we are concerned about the long-run fiscal position. One of the problems of deflation or inadequate inflation is that at least Japanese real interest rates being too high. And the way to break out of that is to get a sustained positive inflation rate. As all of you know, I would like it to be above 2. But whatever the number is, you need to achieve that. Compare with that goal what the budget balance is over the next two or three years is of much less importance. In fact, the low interest rates right now mean that the weight of the future position which depends upon breaking out of deflation is much higher compared to the current budget. I would say, this is not a time to be worried about the fiscal balance.



Thank you very much. Minister of Finance, please?



During the 1930’s, I remember that in the United States likewise there was a situation of deflation. And the New Deal policies have been introduced by then President Roosevelt. As a result, it worked out very nicely, but the largest issue associated with it is that for a long period of time entrepreneurs and managers of companies did not go to make a capital investment by receiving the loan. It had continued up until the late 1930’s and that is the situation occurring in Japan too.


The record high earnings have been generated by the Japanese companies but they would not spend in the capital investment. There are lots of earnings at hand on the part of the corporate in Japan. It should be used for wage hike or dividend payment or the capital investment, but they are not doing that. They are just holding onto their cash and deposits. Reserved earnings have kept going up. A similar situation had occurred in the US in the 1930’s. What solved the question? War! Because World War II had occurred during the 1940’s and that became the solution for the United States. 


So, let’s look at the entrepreneurs in Japan. They are stuck with the deflationary mindset. They have to switch their mindset and should start making capital investments. We are looking for the trigger. That is the utmost concern.

Professor Kruguman:


The important point about the war from the macroeconomic point of view is that it was a very large fiscal stimulus. That fact that it was a war is very unfortunate. It was simply something that led to a fiscal stimulus that would not otherwise have happened. In fact, the story in the 1930’s was that the New Deal, Roosevelt backed off the fiscal stimulus in 1937, because then, as now, there were many calls for balancing the budget. That was a terrible mistake. It caused the major second recession.


Yes, obviously we are looking for ways to achieve something like that without war. There has been a good deal of talk about using not just moral suasion which has already been done perhaps as an incentive to induce the private sector in Japan to raise wages. I have no knowledge of the institutional details about what might work but I am certainly in favor of trying such measures. That is one thing that can happen.


Other than that, the linkage between corporate earnings and corporate investment has always been weak. There has never been much reason to expect companies that have high profits to also invest, unless they see reason to expand capacity. And what is happening is that they have the deflationary mindset. They believe that Japanese growth will be weak. Clearly if we look at the behavior of wages, they expect, or at least fear, that Japan will slide back down towards very lower negative inflation. What is still needed is a shock to break that. That is escape velocity. This is part of what I mean by escape velocity by achieving enough. Escape velocity: the rocket that goes fast enough to not come down again.


Prime Minister Abe:

日本についてお話しますと、2014年に消費税が5%から8%に引き上げられたわけであります。これに伴う駆け込み需要がありましたが、その直後、消費は落ち込みました。そして、いまもなおその影響が残っています。[同年] 消費税の更なる引き上げを検討しましたが、1年半延期しました。ところが欧州では、VATの引き上げが行われましたけれども、その影響は日本ほど大きなものではありませんでした。

Well, talking about Japan, in 2014, the consumption tax rate was raised from 5% to 8%. There was a last minute demand which came in. So right after that, we had seen a dampening effect on consumptions. We are still having a lingering effect. We are thinking about the further rise in the consumption tax rate which was deferred by one year and a half but in case of Europe, as for the VAT raise, maybe in the European situation, the impact was not as large as that in Japan. 


Why such a big impact in Japan? Because deflation continued for a 20 year period. Moreover, it is not a deflation situation anymore but we have not completely gotten out of the deflation. Do you think that is the reason that we are stuck with this kind of situation?

Professor Krugman:

I am not certain why the VAT hike did so much to arrest recovery in Japan. It may be that it was the public viewed it as a signal that the policy would not be expansionary, that it was a break in what had seemed to be a run of all expansionary measures, but I do not know that. I would say that Japan does have some fundamental reasons for why it is hard to raise demand. The demography in Japan is uniquely unfavorable and the working age population is now shrinking at more than 1% a year.

いまや欧州も同じ方向に進んでおり、アメリカの労働年齢人口の成長は急激に鈍化し始めました。しかし、日本がそれでもなお問題を抱えることには、日本固有の原因があるのだと思います。それこそが、日本が90年代にこの状況 [デフレ] に突入した原因となったものです。なぜなら、他国では2008年まで同じ問題は起きなかったからです。しかしだからといって、対処法がないわけではありません。この状況を打開するためには、精力的かつ持続的な施策の積極的な遂行が必要であるということなのです。

Now, Europe has moved in the same direction and even in the United States we have seen a sharp deterioration of working age population growth. But there are reasons why Japan has special difficulties. Essentially, there is a reason why Japan entered this situation in the 1990’s when the rest of us did not enter it until 2008. But that does not mean that it cannot be dealt with. It just means that there are needs of extremely vigorous sustained aggressive policies to break out.


BOJ Governor Kuroda:


Regarding fiscal stimulus measures, I think there are some G7 countries which have enough policy space for fiscal stimulus, like Germany, the United States and the United Kingdom. But as you alluded, none of them are likely to implement significant stimulus measures in coming months. How do you think we should argue for further stimulus measures in those countries with enough fiscal space?

Professor Krugman:


It is very difficult to make the argument. In the case of Germany, they simply live in a different intellectual universe, very difficult to talk about this. In the case of the United States, I assure you that President Obama favors increased infrastructure spending. In fact I can actually say that there was one meeting of economists which he opened by saying,


“I want to hear your ideas. Don’t tell me we should spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure. I know that, I can’t get it through congress”.

ですので、アメリカの場合はそういった [政治の] 問題があります。

So, the US has that problem.

それでも、[サミットは] 最低でも、財政的な統一行動(consolidation)を主張する場にはなりえるでしょう。そのためには各国間で説得に回る役割が必要になりますが、私の感覚では、現在の国際社会通念――政策担当者たちのコミュニティの中での「センチメント」といってもいいでしょう――は、景気刺激策という方向に向き直りつつあるため、その方向へと導くことは可能ではないかとみています。

Still, believe that it is the case that at the very least, we can blunt the push for fiscal consolidation. There is some role of persuasion between the countries. My sense is that conventional wisdom, sentiment among, if you like, the policy community, has been shifting in the direction of seeing again the case for stimulus and it might be possible to move that along.

私自身の国 [アメリカ] についていえば、大統領選を控えていますし、選挙ではとんでもないことが起こりえます。それでも年末には、これまでの議会のようには審議を停滞させない、よりましな議会が成立している可能性が十分にあるので、マクロ経済政策においては、アメリカはもう少し頼れるパートナーとなるかもしれません。私はそう願っています

About my own country, we have an election coming and something really terrible could happen in the election. But it is also significantly possible that we will, at the end of this year, have a legislature that is significantly less obstructionist than the legislature that we now have. So, the United States may be a more helpful partner on macroeconomic policy. I certainly hope so


Chief Secretary Suga:


There has been the declining of the commodity prices which had hit big blow on the developing countries in particular. Do you have any outlook on the impact coming from the declining commodity prices? What would be the impact expected upon the economy? Can I ask you?

Professor Krugman:


The impact is very severe on some emerging markets. It is interesting to know that the most important, biggest emerging market, which is China, is a commodity importer. So, on the whole, it is actually favorable for them but very severe consequences for Brazil and for Africa. Those are important stories because there are a lot of people involved, not clear how much the backwash to advanced countries is from that economically. We would think we can worry about geopolitics.


One unfavorable surprise has been that the fall in oil prices are not the positive thing that we had once thought, at least not as positive. The reason has a lot to do with the fact that, the very thing that has brought oil prices so low, which is the rise of “fracking”, means that the energy is an important investment sector in the United States especially, and the drop in oil prices, although it encourages consumption hits investment and so it is much less of a positive than it once was.


My story, however, would be that the commodity price decline, although a huge thing from the point of view of understanding geopolitical developments, very important for a large number of people in the world, is not that big a part of the problem that we are facing in the advanced world, that the problem is instead these demand issues. I mean, it is shocking what has happened to commodity prices but that is not where the downdraft on our economies is coming from.


Prime Minister Abe


Now, on the subject of EU, European community, there are people with the pessimistic views.


Within the European Union, they have the single currency and because of that there was the Greek problem. Other countries had the only limited options in terms of policy in those countries. Fundamentally, the Greek problem will persist within the European community according to some people. How do you see the situation?

Professor Kruguman:

ひじょうに深刻で、未だに解決を見ていない問題であると捉えています。ユーロは、ギリシャ [のような小国] だけではなく域内の大国にとっても大きな制約となっています。

This is a very severe problem and not being resolved. The Euro is a major constraint, not just on Greece but on much larger economies as well.


フランス [のような大国 ]なら、財政拡大する政策余地があった筈でした。本来なら全く深刻は問題ではない筈なのに、ユーロがあるために、[フランスのような大国に] 動く強さやしなやかさがないように映ってしまう。本来なら対処できていたことが、 [ユーロが存在するため] より難しくなってしまったとすらいえると思います。

France would have fiscal space for expansion. It really is not a serious trouble at all except that because of the Euro, it feels that it does not have that strength, that ability to move. I would argue actually that it could but it is certainly much more difficult.

フランスに自国通貨があれば、間違いなく問題にならなかったでしょう。ドイツより30ベーシスポイント程度高いだけの利率で借入ができるのですから、彼らにとって資金調達は本来困難なことではありません。しかしユーロの制約のせいで、彼らは動くことができなかった。まさにこの点については、あなた方 [日本] は彼らよりずっと強い立場にあるといえます。

If France had its own currency, there would be no question. France is able to borrow at interest rates only 30 or so basis points above Germany. They are not a country which has difficulty raising funds but because of the constraint of the Euro, they are not able to move. That, just right there, you would have a much stronger position.


The trouble, I think, with Europe reaches beyond the Euro. In fact in Europe right now, the economic issues have almost been pushed into the background by the refugee crisis, which is bringing about a crisis also in Schengen, in the open borders. This is in a way similar to the Euro. It is the incompleteness of the European project.

欧州の人々は、ひじょうに開かれ、かつ統合されたシステムを築き上げたのですが、これが有効に機能するための制度保障を組み込むことを怠りました。そのため機能的に麻痺してしまい、現在国際社会が抱えている問題 [難民危機等] を生み出してしまったのです。

They created a very open integrated system without the institutions necessary to make it work, which leaves Europe rather paralyzed and contributes to the problems we all have.


In effect, the only effective player on European policy is Mario Draghi at the European Central Bank who was a very good player but has limited reach without any government really behind him.



I should mention, just as one more thing to worry about, there is a quite significant possibility that Britain will vote to leave the European Union in a couple of months. This will add to uncertainty and is a further drag on the world economy.


If we are going to say which members of the G7 are really able to move effectively and seem to be clear-headed, at the moment it would be basically, I think, Japan and Canada.


We have excellent leadership at the top of the United States but then we have a crazy congress, so it makes life difficult.



Other questions from other members of the meeting? Prime Minister? Would that be alright?


Prime Minister Abe:


Well, this time around, at the G7, how we analyze this situation, of course, we have to have a thorough discussion going forward.


Professor Krugman, international community must coordinate in the fiscal space and the countries which are able would spend fiscally. This message is very important. I presume that this is going to be essentially your message and I agree with your message.


So, we will coordinate and collaborate with other countries. Of course, countries have variety of their issues and their situations.


After all, this is off the record, Germany has the greatest space for a fiscal mobility. Going forward, I plan to visit Germany. So, I will have to talk to them and I will have to persuade them how they will come along with the policy for further fiscal mobilization. Is there any idea from you?

Professor Krugman:

それは難しいですね。それに、 これも申し述べておきたいのですが、メルケル首相は現在は他のこと [難民問題] で手一杯になっています。彼女はひじょうに優秀に立ち回っていますが、きわめて困難な状況に置かれています。

It is difficult and let me say also that Chancellor Merkel is preoccupied with other matters as well, which she has been very good but it is an impossible situation.


There is one thing that I think I should have raised, one area where there might be a possibility of getting, at least raising something that might be an accessible form of stimulus, which is that in fact climate policy, in addition to being, of course, crucial, in some ways nothing else matters compared with that, is also a possible incentive for private investment as a shift to green technology across the advanced world.


Perhaps at least some statement about the desirability of moving forward, we have the Paris ACCORD that may be one route on which things can happen. I wish I had better suggestions. A brilliant diplomacy is not something I am an expert in.


Prime Minister Abe:

たしかに、気候変動対策は更なる民間投資を促す領域の一つですから、そういった線でも [財政刺激策の ]議論をしてきたいと思います。

Certainly, climate policy would be one area, which will stimulate further private investment. So, we would like to discuss along those lines as well.

たとえばドイツでは、難民問題があるため投資が、住宅や教育への投資が行われていますが、これらの投資は財政政策の観点から、有効な [刺激]策になり得るとお考えになりますか?

For example, Germany, because of the refugee question, investment, for example, housing investment for refugees or educational investment for refugees, do you think that would be effective in terms of fiscal policy?

Professor Krugman:

はい、刺激策ではあります。しかし実際にコストを見積もってみれば、あまり大規模なものではないことがおわかりになると思います。難民問題は社会不安からとてつもない緊張を生み出しますが――これが奇妙な言い方になるかもしれませんが――難民をケアすることは、十分な財政刺激策となるほどのコスト [対価] を孕まないのです。決して微々たるコストという訳ではないのですが、それでも財政刺激策としては規模が足りないのです。

Yes, it is a stimulus. I think if you actually cost it out, it is not very large. The refugee issue creates enormous tension because of social fears but if we can say, though strange way to put it, taking care of the refugees does not actually cost enough to be a major fiscal stimulus. It is not trivial but it is not that big.


When we were looking at it, I know that President Hollande was speaking about we should lift the fiscal restraints in order to deal with this crisis. For a moment we are all kind of excited saying this is the end of austerity but the numbers just did not seem to be big enough to actually be a really major departure.


If you are looking for the fiscal equivalent of war, it is not that. It is tremendous social political strain but not in fact that much money.



Professor Krugman, thank you very much. Thank you very much for the valuable advices today.


Secretariat, we are holding a press briefing right after this. I hope you agree with us.

尚、[会見では] 当然ながら、総理の仰られたこと [オフレコとしたこと] は非公開とします。

Of course, what was mentioned by Prime Minister will remain confidential.


Thank you. I thank everyone for coming.

