Flower Artist 照瑠璃 TeRuRi From Japan. 花の写…


Flower Artist 照瑠璃 TeRuRi From Japan. 花の写真と言葉も添えて。



Title: Fuji Bana 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 Wisteria flowers Reflecting spiritual mystic beauty With overwhelming powers Emit an endless stream of energy radially Sparkling out of its tree and petals. Live long and prosper! With love and appreciation…

    • Spring Anemone/アネモネ

      Title: Spring Anemone 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱 Anemones in white & blue From my little garden The taste of spring Light of hope Is flowering in the room. Wish happiness is in store for you... 🪴🪴🪴🪴🪴 庭で咲いた春の花、 白と青のアネモネ。 春の風が吹き流れる。 🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱

      • Sakura Tea / 桜茶

        ☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️ Beauty of flowers lasts forever Even if scattered... Placing thus fallen petals into a bowl, I sip a bowl of Sakura-blossoms tea While picture that eternity in mind 🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿 散りてもまた美しき哉... サクラの花が詰まった茶を啜り 永遠の美を心に刻む ☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️

        • Azaleas / 躑躅萌ゆ

          Nonetheless on this Bright blue planet Earth Flowers are blooming Quite beautifully それでもこの 瑠璃色の惑星には 美しい花が咲く。


          Anemone /アネモネ

          🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿 Flowers are Another sun Shining brilliantly On the ground. 花は、地上の太陽だ。 🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿

          Anemone /アネモネ

          Sakura / 桜の花よ

          🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿 Bloom, bloom, bloom, bloom You are the prettiest of all Vanish, vanish, vanish, vanish Die beautifully always with a good grace... 咲き、咲き、咲き、咲きて 君は可憐に 流れ、流れ、流れ、流れて 美しく散らん そして潔く... 🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿

          Sakura / 桜の花よ

          Freesia in Spring/春のフリージア

          What a relaxed moment To place lovely freesias Into a bowl of Hasamiware, Then observe the scene With no attached idea in silence. Only the sweet fragrance of the flowers Has instantly spread across The tatami-mat room As the dim lig

          Freesia in Spring/春のフリージア


          Magnolia/Sign of Spring 🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿 Magnolia, The sign of spring Has now returned to the earth From the Ideal World. We, the spiritual beings, Like this magnolia, Are travelers moving to the ground From heavenly world or vice versa. 🪴🪴🪴🪴


          Camellia/ 白椿

          The flower is there To light up your mind In the darkness Spring has now come... 白椿 心を照らす花 #ツバキ #椿

          Camellia/ 白椿

          Daffodils / 水仙

          Daffodils / 水仙