
The Importance of Going Outside

I visited Tokyo over the weekend.
A friend of mine is going to the Philippines in May as a prelude to a working holiday. It wasn't necessary to go all the way to Tokyo just for that, but I unintentionally pushed her towards the working holiday. Whether within Japan or abroad, you never know what might happen. I wanted to say good bye to my friend before her departure, wishing her a safe journey.
Tokyo, visited for the first time since the end of last year, was flooded with foreign tourists. It seemed that on weekdays, in addition to commuting, inbound tourists were also using the trains. It was somewhat overwhelming. Foreigners were casually present in bars, local izakayas, and various events around town. Similar scenes are common in Osaka and Kyoto as well. However, it was a sight I don't often experience living in Yoshino. While foreign tourists do visit Yoshino, the numbers are incomparable.
I think understanding is enhanced not only by information obtained through videos or text but also by absorbing information through the five senses. To achieve that, one must visit the actual location. My trip to Tokyo made me assure the importance of maintaining curiosity.

