
京大和訳単語 2023 を使ってエッセイを書いてみた


 exponential 指数関数的な  discourse 会話、講演 compress 圧縮する
 emphatically 強調して pithy 簡潔な rubbish くず、がらくた
 presumably おそらく fall flat 失敗に終わる proffer 提案する

 In the quiet corners of the library, the discourse of determined students fills the air, a symphony of aspirations compressed into pithy mnemonics and emphatic recitations.

  Here, the exponential pressure of university entrance exams looms large, casting long shadows over the futures they dare to dream.

 Presumably, every student here has faced moments when their best-laid plans fall flat, when the hours of study seem to amount to nothing but rubbish, discarded attempts at mastering insurmountable concepts. Yet, they proffer their efforts again and again, driven by the silent promise of a better life, a testament to their unyielding spirit.

 As the day of reckoning approaches, the weight of expectation bears down, a test not just of knowledge, but of will, of the very essence that defines them. Some will emerge victorious, their tears of joy writing new chapters in their lives. Others will find solace in the journey, knowing that every failure is but a stepping stone to success.

 In this crucible of learning, every tear shed is a drop in the ocean of collective striving, a poignant reminder that the path to greatness is often watered with the tears of the undaunted.







京大医学部医学科6名(2024,2022, 2016, 2014, 2013)
名大医学部医学科2名(2018, 2013)


 名古屋大学卒業後、アメリカユタ州で中学校教師をした後、帰国。英検1級、通訳ガイドの国家試験、国連英検A級、ビジネス英検A級などに合格。京大二次試験を7回受けて出題傾向を調査。英語81%、数学70%の正解率。少林寺拳法二段。ジャッキー・チェンの前でヌンチャクを披露したことが自慢。「私の京大合格作戦」(エール出版)2020年度版から2022年度版に漫画化されて掲載。チャットワークを用いた質問無制限の通信添削を全国の難関校受験生対象に募集中。「高木教育センター」検索。桑名市で指導中。God bless you. 指導を希望される方は、HPをご覧ください。
