
Day 1,759: bail out, well-heeled, blunt, Apportion

Yet if taxpayers cough up instead, they will bail out well-heeled owners and blunt helpful incentives to adapt to the looming threat. Apportioning the costs will be hard for governments, not least because they know voters care so much about the value of their homes.

Artwork of the day 
Head and Hands will beat Heels
John Leech
Style: Romanticism
Series: The Life of a Foxhound, by John Mills
Genre: illustration

Word of the day 
bail out: to help a person or organization that is in difficulty, usually by giving or lending them or it money:
well-heeled: rich
blunt: to make something less strongly felt:
Apportion: to give or share out something, especially blame or money, among several people or things:

Quote of the day
“Bailing out people who made ill-advised mortgages makes no more sense that bailing out people who lost their life savings in Las Vegas casinos.”

Thomas Sowell
