




The Meaning Behind The Song: Crying in the Wind by Paul Anka
Crying in the Wind is a timeless song written and performed by the legendary singer, Paul Anka. Released in 1972, the song captivated audiences with its poignant lyrics and haunting melody. It tells a story of heartbreak and longing, exploring themes of love, loss, and the bittersweet memories that remain. As one of Anka’s most beloved works, Crying in the Wind continues to resonate with listeners around the world, evoking a sense of nostalgia and raw emotion.

Annie Pierson

  Crying In the Wind
            原詞:Paul Anka        Reco訳

Crying in the wind          風の中で泣いておる
as a teardrop flies          涙の粒 飛び散るままに
into the still of the night       夜の静寂(しじま)に吸ひ込まれぬ
out of my tear-shed eyes        我の瞳は泣き濡れて

Crying in the wind          風の中で泣いておる
crying because you're gone     君去りし故に泣く
alone I walk in the still of the night  独り夜の静寂を行く
wondering what I've done wrong    我の過ちを思ひつつ

Crying in the wind         風の中で泣いておる
weary as I go           歩む程に疲れ果て
heavy is my heart          心は重し
as the night winds blow       夜風 吹くがままにして

Crying in the wind         風の中で泣いておる
as a teardrop flies         涙の粒 飛び散るままに
into the still of the night       夜の静寂に吸ひ込まれぬ
Why did you say goodbye?     何故君は我に別れを告げしか




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