
Behind story: Gratitude to everyone who believes in me and sees my potentials

Life Update!!

In case you don't know,
I went to Paris last year, in 2023,
experienced to live there,
which I had been dreaming and planning
since I was a kid, and
came back to Japan in December.

January, I moved to Tokyo
as I was already planning when I was in Paris.
My job was not decided, yet
I knew I needed to go to Tokyo
to learn and grow at a maximum degree,
and to use all the things I have
to make a positive impact on society.

That was 3 weeks ago and
long story short, I landed
an amazing job opportunity
at a start-up.

I truly believed in the service that
the company is offering,
and I am very excited to be
a part of the team.

Speaking of the team,
I've not started to work with them
yet I had an opportunity to meet the team, and
I'm already sensing their value and passion
deeply resonate with mine.

And, they are super intelligent people. Really.
I even secretly named them "The Avengers".

While I am super happy and honored to
join the team "Avengers",
I have a lot to work on
to catch up with them.
But I am not scared of challenges, rather
I am so grateful to learn
and grow from them,
and to be a help, not just to be helpful.

That's where I am at, friends!!
If you want to catch up with me,
send me a message ♡ Let't talk and meet!

Last but not the least,
I want to express my sincere appreciation
to everyone who believes in me and
sees the potentials. And especially who
gave me a chance!
(you know who you are 😉)

Hopefully I can say
"thank you" to all in person,
but for now, I am showing
my gratitude here.

I don’t really cry, especially for myself,
and I do not show my tear.
It’s not like I’m holding it.
It’s because I take responsibilities on
my action, and I know
sometimes hardships come with that action.
When I take an action,
I accept that, so I am ready.
I won’t say it is always easy,
but I am mentally fine with the hardships.

So, when do I cry?
I cry when I am touched.
When I feel my heart is so full
because of gratitude.

So, when I realized that
there are people who believe in me
and see my potentionals
more than I knew,
my gratitude overflowed.

That one tear came
in honor of everyone who
believes in me and
sees my potentials.
And especially to Tony,
who gave me a chance to
bloom my potentials that
I myself may have not recognized.

Behind Story

Before landing this job,
I had some opportunities.
One of them was to work at one of the biggest
global company, Apple.

The Leadership Recruiter at Apple Retail
contacted me when I was in Paris, and
we were supposed to talk and
move forward regarding
to the job opportunity at Apple.

Yet, I decided to wave to that offer
and dive into a founding team of a start-up.

Some people may say
"Oh, that is such a risk!"
"You throw away a big chance".

Well, true.
It could be a risk.
That was a big chance.

Yet, this is the risk I am happy to take.
Don't worry, I take the responsibility of
how I live and this "risk" and
I am positive to make it right.

And that was a big chance,
but this is a bigger chance for me.
Perhaps not for all, but for me, yes it is.

So, I am waving to that big chance
with no regrets and
I am welcoming "the risk"
with smile on my face.

自己紹介 -Sumire Violet-


高校1年生 | Los Angeles 🇺🇸 | 1週間
高校3年生 | New York🇺🇸 | 1ヶ月語
大学1年生 | Oxford 🇬🇧 | 1ヶ月
大学2年生 | Boston 🇺🇸 | 1ヶ月

🎓 明治学院大学国際学部国際キャリア学科
Meiji Gakuin University 🇯🇵
B.A. in Global and Transcultural Studies
Complementary Studies in International Relations
🎓 サンフランシスコ州立大学コミュニケエーション学
San Francisco State University 🇺🇸
B.A. in Communication Studies


San Francisco 🇺🇸
Strength and Conditioning Coach/ Community Lead
San Francisco State University https://www.sfsu.edu/
Educator | lululemon https://shop.lululemon.com/

Tokyo 🇯🇵
Retail Staff, SNS Assistant | HALEO Daikanyama http://www.haleo.jp/
CrossFit Coach/Personal Trainer/ Event Creator/ SNS Assistant
CrossFit DAIKANYAMA https://www.crossfitdaikanyama.com/

Paris 🇫🇷
Writer, Editor, Content Creator, Web Designer, Artist







