
移動とは「あたりまえ」を広げること Expanding what is "normal" for us

This week I am in Da Nang, Vietnam.

Using VietJet from Narita Airport, I have traveled through Ho Chi Minh and Da Nang. What exactly does this travel mean?

Looking back at the history of humanity, for the most part, we have lived based on a hunter-gatherer lifestyle. The settled life and agricultural and pastoral systems that we take for granted today are, when viewed in perspective, quite recent developments.

Primatologist Dr. Yamagiwa mentions in his book "The Empathy Revolution" that during the hunter-gatherer era, humans lived in groups of about 150 people using empathy to get along well and that conflicts between groups were rare. Amid wars and conflicts happening around the world, including in Ukraine and Israel, he argues that the original nature of humans was not "competitive" but "empathetic" and lived peacefully.

In hunter-gatherer societies, there was no concept of wealth or power. Captured prey was equally divided among all, regardless of age or gender. There was no concept of ownership, and tools used for hunting were shared, forming the basis of society. However, with the onset of settlement and agriculture, concepts like community life, planned action, and accumulation emerged, leading to the birth of rulers and the widening gap between the wealthy and the poor.

Now, within our capitalist society, the expansion of inequality and the roots of human rights issues, including racial discrimination, seem to stem from the majority of humanity owning land and choosing to settle, consequently not moving

Physically moving, like traveling to another country or prefecture, can make us think about things we usually don't consider. This could be because not only the scenery changes, but also the people we interact with and the food we eat change, requiring us to adapt as outsiders, possibly making us kinder as individuals. In a completely new environment, everyone needs to act as a newcomer.

Movement is not limited to physical relocation. For example, if you work at the same company for a long time, you might unconsciously adopt an arrogant attitude due to so-called "power." However, when you become a newcomer in a completely new workplace, everyone tends to remember to be humble, considerate, and polite, which seems to connect to Dr. Yamagiwa's concept of "empathy."

Thus, for us, movement might be about expanding our own "normals."

In the hunter-gatherer era, this meant leaving the familiar environment to hunt in a new one, which is a world of impermanence where nothing is the same twice.

In today's age, it could mean changing where we live or work, resetting the "normals" around us. Now I am in Vietnam, and even crossing the street is a challenge. I have to move forward while avoiding the oncoming bikes and cars. Or, quitting a job and starting to build a new life foundation from scratch, thinking about the future, might also be a way to expand what's normal for us.

Hypermedia creator Mr. Takashiro says, "The distance of movement is proportional to creativity," and I think he is right. By shifting our "normal" even slightly, a new world becomes visible. After all, our Japanese ancestors also moved diligently from the distant African continent.
