
旅は人生を豊かにする Traveling enriches your life


I am still in Danang this week.


It has been about three weeks since I left Japan, but it feels as though three months have already passed. How are movement and the perception of time related?


For example, it is often said that as we grow older, time seems to pass more quickly compared to when we were children. This concept is known as "Janet's Law," proposed by the French philosopher Paul Janet and introduced in the writings of his nephew, the psychologist Pierre Janet. It suggests that the psychological length of time during a period of life is inversely proportional to one's age.


Indeed, in Vietnam, especially in Da Nang, time seems to flow more leisurely. People are not rushing around as they do in Tokyo, nor are they constantly glued to their smartphones. The climate might also play a role. With temperatures rising to nearly 30 degrees Celsius during the day, everyone seeks coolness, spending their days leisurely sipping coffee.


Considering this, travel might indeed enrich our lives in terms of time. A day in Tokyo versus a day on a journey feels vastly different in terms of richness and density, even though they are both just a single day.


Traveling brings daily new discoveries, transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary and igniting creativity. When there's no one around who knows you, a desire emerges to be recognized and understood by the world. This sense increases my creativity while traveling. It's often said that ideas are proportional to the distance traveled. Perhaps, at its core, creativity is fundamentally linked to time, humanity's greatest asset.
