
人生とはリミックス Life is a remix


I'm still in Bangkok this week.


Thailand is in the height of summer, with daily temperatures exceeding 38 degrees Celsius, which is more than the human body temperature. It's dangerous to walk outside during the day when enveloped in such heat, so I spend my time hopping from one shopping mall to another to stay cool.


From April 12 to 15, the Songkran Festival, which corresponds to the Thai New Year, will be held. The term "Songkran" comes from Sanskrit, meaning "to move," and refers to the sun moving into Aries. It signifies the end of the 12-month cycle and the start of a new year according to the solar calendar. The highlight of the festival is the water-throwing ceremony, where pouring water on Buddha statues and elders is a custom to show respect and alleviate the fierce heat.


As such, many tourists are currently visiting Bangkok. According to Mastercard, Bangkok recorded approximately 22.78 million visitors in 2019, topping the global travel destination ranking and surpassing second-place Paris by over 3.6 million visitors, making it a city with a strong international flavor. As mentioned last week, walking around the city, you'll see English everywhere, and it's so globalized that you can live your daily life with just English.


In such an environment, I often find myself unsure of where I am. I hear English and Thai, and sometimes even Japanese. Humans have spread across the Earth through communication, and it's true that language and self-recognition are closely related. It's common to feel like a different person when speaking your mother tongue compared to a foreign language, but lately, I've been losing track of whether the "real" me is the one speaking Japanese or English.


Furthermore, reading multiple books in Japanese and English concurrently has jumbled up what I read in which language and from which book. This confusion extends to not knowing where I am or who I am. Everything seems right yet wrong, a curious state to be in. However, new things might be born out of this chaos. It feels as if life is a "remix," where a new self or new insights might emerge from a mix of various elements. Perhaps we exist as creative beings.


In this remixed and muddled world, I find myself pondering deeper about my identity, the relationship between language and thought, and how each of us discovers ourselves amidst the crossing of borders, cultural exchanges, and coexistence of languages as globalization progresses. The answer isn't simple, but this quest might be a significant challenge for us modern people.
