


私も東南アジアやネパールに行った時の風景を思い出して、MidjourneyでのAI画像制作にチャレンジしてみました。最初に入れてみたプロンプトは「you're in the midst of a bustling tourist town in Southeast Asia. Suddenly, your attention is drawn to a group of Japanese backpackers gathered in front of a small travel agency. They are engaged in lively conversation, their faces lit up with smiles. Paint a vivid, cinematic picture of this scene. Describe their conversation, their actions, the surrounding environment, and the overall atmosphere in high-resolution detail.hyper quality, cinematic --ar 16:9 --q 2 --v 5.1 --style raw」

Chat GPTのプラグイン「Prompt Perfect」が出してきた案をもとに作ってみました。



「you're in the midst of a bustling tourist town in Bangkok. Suddenly, your attention is drawn to a group of Japanese backpackers gathered in front of a small travel agency. Their faces lit up with smiles. Paint a vivid, cinematic picture of this scene. Describe their conversation, their actions, the surrounding environment, and the overall atmosphere in high-resolution detail.hyper quality, cinematic --ar 16:9 --q 2 --v 5.1 --style raw」


なんだろう、バンコクではないよなあ。あとバックパッカーがいない。2023年にはバックパッカーたちが消えてしまったのかもしれない。というわけで、ダメ元でChat GPTのもうひとつのプラグイン「Photorealistic」、こちらは写真のプロンプトに特化したプラグインのようなので、期待できるかもしれません。「As a professional photographer, you're capturing a group of Japanese backpackers in the bustling tourist streets of Bangkok, Thailand. Some of them are carrying large backpacker-style rucksacks, adding to the authenticity of their travel experience. They are standing in front of a small travel agency, engaged in lively conversation and sharing joyful smiles. The scene is captured in a hyper-realistic style, with high attention to detail and in high-resolution 16k. Natural lighting is used to highlight the vibrant colors inspired by the local scenery and the backpackers' attire. A wide-angle lens is used to capture the full breadth of the street scene, while also focusing on the expressions of the backpackers. high-resolution detail.hyper quality, cinematic : --ar 16:9 --q 2 --v 5.1 --style raw」

