

フリーオンライントーク by 鉄心館ロンドン道場師範ポール・スミス先生






合気道六段、ロンドン鉄心館道場館長であるPaul Smith先生が、合気道と鹿島神流剣術の指導者として生涯にわたる武道との繋がりについて語ります。


Routes of Beingサロンの創始者であるSatoshi DáteはPaul先生の道場を中心に日本各地の道場で合気道の稽古に長年はげみ、Paul先生を最高の武道師範であると信じています。Paul先生は神聖な空間と調和を作りあげることを心掛けています。また、彼は、日本の伝統や哲学、ヨーロッパの教育哲学の長所を融合させ、独自の指導方法を編み出しました。






日時: 2023/02/18 (土曜日)

13:00 (UK Time) 22:00 (日本時間)

1時間半 + フリートーク

場所: Zoom Meeting

プレゼンター: Satoshi Dáte

通訳: Shuhei

言語: 英語>日本語通訳

ゲストスピーカー: ポール・スミス



Japanese Martial Arts as a practice for self-development

Affiliated by Routes of Being Salon


Here is a introduction video for the event. I talk about how I met Paul-sensei, his personality and his way of teaching.
Please have a watch before you come to the zoom session. https://youtu.be/9tAjwbUosYk

18th February 2023

Paul Smith, Aikido 6th Dan, the head of Tetsushinkan dojo in London, will talk about his lifelong engagement with Budo, as a practitioner and teacher - specifically Aikido and Kashima Shinryu kenjutsu.

Paul is an extremely influential and respected teacher in Europe. Satoshi Dáte, the founder of Routes of Being Salon, has been practising Aikido at Paul’s dojo for many years as well as other dojo in Japan. Satoshi believes that Paul is the best martial arts teacher in the present time. He creates a sacred atmosphere in the dojo and harmony among the practitioners. Satoshi has discovered and developed numerous aspects of his own life by practising with Paul. Paul also created his own teaching method combined from Japanese philosophy and European way of practising. Satoshi has found that practising martial arts is necessary for our life. Especially in our modern life, there are many distractions and disturbances every second. Aikido makes us centred and being ourselves. Practising Aikido can make us feel the harmony of the universe through our body. In this precious online session with Paul Smith, we will discover various important aspects of our relationship between body, mind and soul.

Paul Smith

Tetsushinkan Dojo in London



  • What is a misconception about martial arts ?

  • Do you think it is necessary to do martial arts ?

  • Why is sensitivity important for our life?

Date: 18th February 2023 (Saturday)

Time: 13:00 (UK Time) 22:00 (Japan Time)

Duration: 1.5 hours + free talk

Location: Zoom Meeting

Presenter: Satoshi Dáte

Interpreter: Shuhei

Language: English with Japanese interpretation

Guest Speaker: Paul Smith

Head of Tetsushinkan Dojo, has studied with Inaba Sensei, previous Head of The Shiseikan Budojo at Meiji Jingu, in Tokyo. Profoundly influenced by Kuni Zenya, Inaba Sensei has combined these two distinct arts in a unique and complementary manner, creating a sophisticated methodology that weaves sword and empty-handed techniques into a fully integrated and inseparable whole. Paul Smith has rigorously researched this relationship between Ken and Aikido, evolving an understanding that is expressed in his distinct approach to the teaching of Budo.

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