
瞑想の力 イギリス人僧侶と語るデジタル時代の思考放棄(日本語通訳あり)

【オンライン対談・参加無料 】








ホスト:Satoshi Dáte

1時間半: 質疑応答含む



1979年に瞑想をはじめる。1982年に禅に出会い、以降アメリカへ禅を広めた禅僧の1人である前角 博雄、ほかイギリス人老師と共に修行に励む。1987年より入門ワークショップ、禅法のインストラクター、北ロンドン禅グループを率いるなど精力的に活動。

Satoshi Dáte

イギリス・ロンドンの名門芸術大学『University of the Arts London,Central Saint Martins』を卒業。その後、日本国内で『青山ヘアサロンTwiggy』、『東京妙壽寺での音楽コラボレーション』、文化庁主催の『演劇公演衣装デザイン』そして、『鳥取県での地域活性化を目指すNPOプロジェクト「未来」』等多くのプロジェクトへ参加。
過去に『Asia Design Prize』にてアジアの社会問題を訴える映像作品で金賞を受賞した。

ウェブサイト http://satoshidate.com/

インスタグラム @satoshidate


ルーツ・オブ・ビーイングとは、Satoshi Dáteにより「ありのままの自分へと正していくことで世の中全体を改善していくことができる」というコンセプトで作られたパフォーマンスアートです。 

リンク http://routesofbeing.com/salon/


How to stop thinking in the digital age in discussion with British Zen Monk

Date: 23rd July
Time: 9:00am,
1 hour and a half
included Qs and As

Zoom link:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81187042857

【Free online event】

We never stop thinking. Even while we are sleeping we are constantly thinking. And in this digital era, we even try to fill things into our brain to think seamlessly. Doing sport, martial arts, playing music, dancing or painting can be a sort of meditation but have we actually tried not to think intentionally without the movement? Satoshi believes that meditation is necessary for everyday life and even for the purpose of our life. It is the defragmentation of mind and fasting of mind, Zen Buddhist Monk Tony Doubleday can tell us the depth of meditation and the benefits of meditation.

【Topic feature】Does meditation make us numb and emotionless?Can we escape from various anxieties by meditation?A balance between learning from suffering and meditation

【Lineup】Tony Shinro Doubleday He began the practice of Buddhist meditation in 1979. He first encountered Zen in 1982, since when he has participated regularly in sesshin (retreats) with Taizen Maezumi Roshi, who is one of Zen priests propagate Zen in the US, and other British Roshi. Shinro Sensei has facilitated Zen practice groups and taught in introductory workshops since 1987 and has led the StoneWater Zen north London group since 2010. website: https://www.stonewaterzen.org/stonewater/teachers/

Satoshi Dáte

An artist developing creative activities in a wide range of fields with the themes of "love," "humanity," and "social issues," currently based in the United Kingdom and Japan.After graduated from the prestigious art university, the University of the Arts London,Central Saint Martins, he joined a wide range of projects in Japan such as『Aoyama hair salon Twiggy』『Music collaboration in Tokyo Myōjyujitemple』『Theatre Performance Costume Design』affiliated by agency for Cultural Affairs, and『Mirai (the NPO project for regional revitalization in Tottori )』.Also he engaged in education such as Westminster university, Musashino art university, Kyoto university of the arts, Nara women's university, Nagoya University of Arts and Sciences, lectures and workshops at Indian fashion collage NIFT .Won the gold medal for a film artwork that appeals to Asian social issue at『Asia Design Prize』in the past.

website: http://satoshidate.com/

Instagram: @satoshidate

affiliated by Routes of Being

“Routes of Being” is a performance art created by Satoshi Dáte with the concept "Making ourselves be ourselves can improve the whole social world” .“Routes” from ”Routes of Being'' meaning "the way to create", and the same pronunciation''Roots“ means ''your roots". Being from ”Routes of Being'' consists of the meanings of “to be” and “'human”.Rather than chasing temporary happiness, together with the participants, we seek who we are and how we can make life itself more enjoyable.

Link: www.routesofbeing.com/salon_en

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