
Apologizing first doesn't hurt.

hello everyone.

Sai & Co. This is Sai & Co. from WAKU Challenge Lab.

Well, today I'm going to explain about "Apologizing first doesn't really hurt", but first of all, if you think this story was "good", please share it😁

Let's get to the point.

Well everyone.

When you get in trouble with someone, do you apologize immediately?

Or do you blame the other person without apologizing?

If anything, I choose to apologize immediately.

There's a good reason for saying that, but even so, it takes a lot of courage to apologize.

In the United States, there is a culture in which the person who apologizes first is the loser, while in Japan, even though it's not their fault, they immediately say "I'm sorry" or "I'm sorry", and even some people have already become accustomed to it. is.

So which one of these is really the loss?

Hurry up and give me an answer.

It is the person who does not apologize.​

The reason is, what happens if you keep complaining without apologizing?

Surely, as long as the opponent doesn't surrender, it will always remain parallel.

In other words, you will have to fight with that person forever until a settlement is reached.

For example, what will happen if mutual compromises are not reached through discussion?

Depending on the situation, it may end up in a lawsuit, or possibly a big fight, which may cause trouble for your home, workplace, family and friends, right?

In other words, it's better to finish it on the spot.

For that reason, it's okay to lie, so I apologize and get over it.

It means that it will be easier later if you settle this.

It can be said that this is the best way to save time and money.

However, if they threaten you so much that you feel frightened, ask for money, or feel that you are about to be harmed, it is better to call the police as soon as possible.

Even if you don't do anything, even if the other party doesn't get scared by the police.

Since the relationship between the two is broken, in such a case, it would be better if there was a person who intervened, that is, a third party, who would communicate with each other through that person, so it would be a little calmer. However, since it is less likely that actual harm will be done to yourself, the benefits will be greater.

By the way, you might ask me, "Are you apologizing even if it's not your fault?", and the answer is yes.

I will answer the reason on the official line, so please register as a friend if you like.

So, if you think this story was good, please introduce it to your friends.

See you soon ✌️
